His Topanga

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Maya's POV

"Josh it's only ten more minutes" I laugh as Josh's lips trail down my neck teasingly.

"Who's gonna tell? We're in my dorm. Alone" he points out and I bite my lip as his hands grip my waist slipping up my shirt.

"We've waited this long, we can wait ten minutes" I say but I don't believe it. Josh and I had finally given into our mutual feelings and started dating about a month after my seventeenth birthday. He's been the perfect boyfriend, never pushing since I still wasn't eighteen and because I didn't want to sleep with him before we had been going out for a while. But in ten minutes I would be eighteen and Josh and I could finally be together in every way humanly possible.

"I think you're giving me more credit than I deserve right now Hart because I really want you" he says making a blush rise on my cheeks.

"Keep it up and I'll call Riles to distract us for ten minutes" I threaten making his eyes widen.

"Fine Hart. You win" he says as he climbs off me. "What do you suggest we do?" he asks.

"Let's play truth or dare" I say making Josh chuckle.

"Fine. Me first. Truth or dare gorgeous?"

"Truth" I request happily.

"Who was your first kiss?" he asks making me roll my eyes.

"Zay. It was at the movies sophomore year. There was a really sad part and Zay was comforting me and we kinda looked at each other for a second and we kissed. We kinda acted like it never happened" I confess as I look up to see Josh smiling.

"Is he the only other guy you've kissed?" Josh asks and I nod.

"Your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Truth" he says and I suddenly realize I'm about to sleep with a guy I'm in love with but I know nothing about his dating life.

"Are you a virgin?" I ask taking Josh by surprise. He stares at me for a few seconds before getting up and going to retrieve a water from his mini fridge. He takes a large sip before coming back to the bed to sit across from me.

"Yes" he says and my jaw drops. Josh was a virgin. How was that possible? He was twenty one, smart, hot, and sweet. How has he not slept with anyone?

"How?" I ask making him laugh.

"I wanted to be in love" he confesses looking down at the bed. "My brother waited for Topanga so I wanted to wait for mine" he adds before looking back up at me.

"Does that mean I'm your?" I trail off and he smiles.

"You're my Topanga, Maya" he says and I can't help it. A tear escapes rolling down my cheek. Josh catches it and smiles. "I love you Maya."

"I love you too Josh." I say before leaning in to kiss him. As our lips meet my alarm goes off letting me know that it's officially midnight.

"Hey Josh" I smile as we pull apart.

"What?" he asks.

"Truth or dare?"

"Dare" he answers and I silently cheer that he chose the option I wanted him to.

"I dare you to make love to me" I whisper smiling as Josh's lips capture mine and the rest of the world fades away.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now