Once Upon a Party...

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Maya's POV

It's Friday night and Riley and I are in the car with Ranger Rick. I can't possibly explain to you how the hell my two innocent best friends talked me into going to a party our first night at NYU but they did. They kept telling me how great of an opportunity it would be to make some new friends. It made sense but I couldn't help worrying that a certain tall, dark-haired boy with a infectious smile that gave me butterflies would be there.

"Alright we're here" Lucas announces. He parks the car before I step out looking up at the frat house nervously.

"Come on Peaches, it's going to be fun. Maybe we'll even see Josh" Riley adds as she rushes ahead of me catching up with Lucas.

I walk into the party and navigate through the biggest group of people I've ever encountered. My head is spinning and I feel like I'm about to pass out when someone bumps into me.

"Hey watch where you're going" I yell as I look up at the random stranger. He's kinda cute. He has blonde hair that's the same shade as mine and his muscles fill out his jeans and tank top perfectly. He has a great smile but one look at it and I know he's a player. His smile is no doubt his key to the lady's hearts.

"Sorry beautiful. Guess I've had a few too many" he aplogizes. Great he's a gentleman even when he drinks. He must have girls lining up down the block.

"Derek where the hell have you been?" I hear from a voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"Just talking to this lovely lady" the boy who's name is apparently Derek says. I lock eyes with Josh and I don't dare look away. If I did I might realize this is all a dream, and I'd be crushed.

"Maya" Josh spits out astonished. He's totally sober, though it's not surprising, he really never was the drinking type.

"Hey Josh" I reply nervously as I run my fingers through my hair.

"You two know each other?" Derek asks slurring his words so the statement sounds like one large word.

"Um yea" I stutter nervously. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I turn away from the two boys heading in the direction that hopefully led to the kitchen as I feel someone's hand grip my wrist. My first instinct is to pull away and punch the person that is trying to get my attention but I know it's Josh. I've held his hand enough to have it memorized. He literally used lotion more than any girl I ever met.
"What?" I snap turning to look at him.

"Can we talk?" I look around the party and realize that I don't have anything else to do. I don't actually drink and Riley and Lucas are off doing god knows what.

"Yea I guess" I give in as I let him pull me into a back bedroom. He locks the door and I raise an eyebrow at him questioning.

"Stop it" he laughs. "This is a party. Trust me if I don't lock this door some drunk couple is going to stumble in here looking to get some" Josh says and I nod knowing he's probably right. I mean I may not go to parties a lot but I've seen movies.

"Okay well you have me alone. What do you want Josh?"

"I just wanna talk. It's been forever. I didn't mean to break up your conversation with Derek by the way. He's a good guy, even when he's drunk" he adds laughing.

"Well thank you for your blessing Josh but I'm not interested in Derek. I'm not really in the mood for flirting." I admit avoiding his gaze.

"Something happen?" Josh asks concered as he takes a seat on the bed.

"Do you remember Zay?" I ask treading lightly. I knew the fact that Zay was able to take me on dates bugged him so I had to be careful when I told him what I've been up to for the past few years.

"You dated him" Josh guesses avoiding my gaze playing with a loose thread on his shirt.

"Yea" I whisper as I take a seat next to Josh.

"What happened?"

"We aren't soulmates" I laugh lightly picking at my chipped nail polish.


"So. I came here and Zay went to Texas. He got back together with his ex" I say softly chancing a glance at Josh.

"He cheated on you?" Josh asks trying to hide the anger in his voice but I know him better than that.

"He broke up with me before anything happened. I'm not upset or anything. I guess it just kicked me in the ass and made me realize that I haven't found the one yet."

"But what if you have?" Josh asks locking his gaze on mine. I know I should look away, break the gaze, do anything except for look at him longer. He's three years older than me. But we're also not kids anymore. My head is spinning and when Josh raises his hand to caress my cheek it doesn't help.

"Josh we can't" I protest putting my hand over his.

"Why?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. "I like you Maya" Josh admits and for the second time in my life those words send my body into a frenzy. I look at him intently leaning in slightly giving him enough of a hint because it's not long before his lips are on mine.

If I'm being honest I've always wondered what it would be like kissing Josh. I've kissed people before and to be honest I didn't think that kissing Josh would be any different but, boy was I wrong. Josh moves his hand that was caressing my cheek to the back of my neck as his other hand wraps around me resting on the small of my back as he slips his tongue into my mouth. I grip his waist tightly letting him dominate the kiss, both of us unwilling to let go of each other even to breathe. We've waited so long for this moment, we weren't going to waste it. I slip my hand up his shirt running my hand over his abs. I don't remember Josh being this fit when we were younger. Maybe he started working out.

"Maya" Josh warns pulling away from me. "Too fast."

"Josh it's been almost six years. Too slow" I insist making him laugh.

"Sorry gorgeous but I'm not letting our first time be at a party with a hundred other people with obnoxious music playing."

"So you're saying there will be a first time though" I tease making Josh flustered. He bows his head rubbing his forehead giving me ski lodge flashbacks.

"Maya I'm saying I'm still playing the long game. I want someday with you."

"Same but you didn't answer my question. Joshua Matthews do you or do you not want to sleep with me?" He takes a deep breath laughing quietly to himself before he answers me.

"Maya you are a gorgeous young woman who I've been crazy about since I was seventeen. If I said the thought of you and I being intimate hasn't crossed my mind I'd be lying" he confesses making me blush and suddenly I feel like I need to be completely honest.

"Hey Josh" I say grabbing his attention.

"Yea?" he asks looking at me with kind eyes. The eyes that I could get lost in.

"For the record, if and when our first time takes place, it won't just be my first time with you." I admit shyly hiding my face in my hair.

"Maya" Josh says softly as he lifts my chin so that our eyes are locked on each other's again. "There's nothing wrong with waiting."

"I was waiting for you" I admit. "It just never felt right with Zay. I always wanted my first time to be with you."

"And it will be. I promise. I'm in it for the long game Maya. I'm not letting you go this time."

"Good because Derek is so not my type" I laugh as I lean in to kiss Josh again. I knew that a new school and a new relationship wouldn't be easy to juggle but when I'm living in my house that I shared with Josh with walls covered in my art it would all be worth it. I was going to get everything I wanted out of life because hope wasn't for suckers anymore.

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