Under the Mistletoe

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Maya's POV

"Merry Christmas weirdos" I exclaim as I throw open the door of the Matthews' loft with my mom and Shawn in tow.

"Really Maya?" Mr. Matthews says from his spot by the tree, hanging his usual Cory and Shawn 4-Eva ornament on a branch near the top of the tree, though unlike previous years the Cory and Topanga wedding ornament hangs beside it and not behind it.

"Yep" I reply, popping the p as I shrug off my coat and throw it onto the nearby chair. "Where's Riles?" I ask curiously as I scan the room for my best friend.

"In her room" Cory shrugs. "I think she's talking to Lucas" he adds as he rolls his eyes making me laugh as I head off to Riley's bedroom. I throw open the door and find Riley lying on her back talking on the phone to none other than Huckleberry. I shake my head and stroll over to the bed taking the phone from her hand.

"Have a good Christmas Huckleberry" I speak into the phone before pressing the end call button.

"Hey" Riley laughs as she reaches for her phone. "That's not nice" she adds making me roll my eyes playfully.

"When am I ever?" I tease as I sit on her bed as she sits up.

"You're always nice Peaches" she says making me smile.

"To you maybe" I reply as a sudden knock on the open door makes me turn my head and when I do my heart stops. Standing in the doorway is Riley's uncle Josh. I hadn't seen him since the night at the ski lodge when we made our someday pact, it had been almost a year since then. He looked exactly the same, same messy brunette hair and stunning blue eyes that I could melt into easily. He was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and white button up with the first button undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. I bite my lip to stop the gasp from escaping my mouth.

"Hi Uncle Josh" Riley sing songs as she hops off the bed and rushes over into her uncle's arms.

"Hey Riles" he replies as he hugs her tightly. "How've you been niece?" he asks curiously as they pull apart.

"Good" she smiles brightly as a blush creeps onto her cheeks.

"Of course she's good. She's been on the phone with Huckleberry all morning" I tease as I stand up making my way over to the two of them. "Josh" I greet him simply.

"Hey Maya" he replies as a smile pulls at his lips. "You look gorgeous as always" he adds making me blush harshly as I avert my gaze to the floor.

"Josh" Cory calls for his brother from the living room.

"I should get downstairs. See you girls later" he adds as he turns and walks towards the living room.

"You're nice to him too" Riley teases making me roll my eyes playfully.

"We should get downstairs" I reply as I brush past her hearing her giggle as she follows after me.

"Just in time for dinner" Topanga says sweetly as Riley and I make our way down the stairs. She places the ham in the middle of the table as we all crowd around it, taking our seats. I sit between Riley and Auggie while the rest of the large group piles in around us, of course Josh sits right across from me.

"So Morgan how's life in Philly?" Cory asks curiously to his little sister who was sitting beside Josh piling food onto her plate. I hadn't ever formally met Morgan but she was Cory's sister and Shawn had grown up around her so she was basically family to me.

"It's good" she replies smiling brightly.

"That's code for she has a boyfriend" Josh teases making me chuckle as Amy's eyes widen.

"A boyfriend" she exclaims. "Morgan why didn't you tell us?"

"Thanks a lot little brother" Morgan teases as she turns to her mom.

"It's new but it's nice. He's a really good guy" she says happily. "What about you Josh? We all know you're in love" Morgan adds teasingly making my heart stop as I lock eyes with the youngest Matthews across the table.

"You don't know what you're talking about" Josh says quickly.

"Right" Morgan laughs. "Josh there's no other explanation as to why you're single" she adds playfully.

"She's not wrong Josh" Cory interjects. "You tell me about all the dates you turn down. Who's the girl?" he asks as I feel my face heat up. Josh was turning down dates, was that part of the pact? Was turning down other people, him living his life while I lived mine?

"I need air" I say quickly as I jump up from the table and rush off to Riley's room climbing onto the bench of the bay window and throwing the window open quickly allowing the chilly winter air to rush over me.

"Maya" I hear from a soft masculine voice as the door clicks shut.

"I'm sorry I just needed a minute" I apologize as I keep my eyes locked on the poinsettias on the fire escape.

"We should probably talk" he says as he comes over to the window taking a seat beside me. "I didn't mean for that all to come out like that" he adds lightly as I finally turn to look at him.

"I kinda figured that" I reply as a small smile pulls at my lips. "So what's going on? I thought you were supposed to living your life while I lived mine."

"I am living my life" he replies defensively, "I'm just living it without a girlfriend" he adds softly. "Maya coming to terms with my feelings for you took me a long time and now that I have it's hard to just push them aside and set my sights on someone else."

"I get that" I reply as I feel his hand grip mine tightly. "But you're still too old for me" I add teasingly.

"Only for a couple more years" he smiles as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear with his free hand.

"It's not our six weeks" I add as I look down at our intertwined hands.

"No but it Christmas" he whispers as he suddenly leans forward and presses a soft kiss to my lips. When we pull apart I'm about to question why but he answers my silent question by pointing above us where Riley had hung mistletoe. I blush as I stare into his sparkling blue eyes overcome in happiness. "Merry Christmas Maya."

"Merry Christmas Josh."     

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