A Warm Embrace

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Josh's POV

"Honey I think you dropped a sock on the way down" Topanga smiles, handing me the loose sock that I had evidently dropped on my walk from the laundry room. It was Friday afternoon and I was at my brother's house as per usual catching up on the laundry that I had been putting off for weeks. 

"Thanks Pangers" I reply, placing it with it's mate before placing it in the hamper that I had brought from campus. I continue to fold my clothes while she heads to the kitchen to start dinner and it's not much longer until the front door opens and Maya and Riley walk in, chatting away about something that happened at school today. 

"I'm just saying" Riley says defensively. "I don't understand why he'd invite her" she complains and Maya laughs, rolling her eyes as she looks past her best friend towards me. 

"Matthews what are you doing here?" she asks, interrupting Riley and stepping apart from her to approach me. Riley looks between the two of us in annoyance before throwing her hands up in frustration and heading to the kitchen to catch up with her mom. 

"Laundry. How was school?" 

"Boring but there is a party on the pier tonight" she adds with a smirk. Riley reappears then with a cookie in her hand. 

"That's right and Zay invited the worst girl in our class, Marley" she explains, her distaste for the girl obvious in the way she says her name. "He better not start dating her" she grumbles and Maya laughs. 

"Oh relax. She's just a rebound from Vanessa" she insists, brushing off her best friend's concerns before looking back at me. "Do you want to come?" she asks, extending an invitation and I quirk an eyebrow at her. 

"Isn't it a high school party?"

"Well, yea" she replies sheepishly, averting her eyes to the ground. "But I just thought because we were friends-."

"Uncle Josh just come with" Riley interjects. "It'll be fun. Promise." I chuckle. It wasn't that I was worried about the party being fun...it was that it was a high school party which meant that it would be swarming with teenagers trying to act older than they are...and there'd be a certain eighteen year old blonde beauty who I may actually have more than five seconds alone with and that was terrifying

"Please Josh" Maya begs, her big blue eyes pouring into mine as her hands clasp together. I hated that I couldn't say no to her. 

"Okay fine" I concede. "But I have to be home by eleven. I have to get up early for some dorm meeting" I explain, rolling my eyes. One little microwave fire and our resident advisory lost his mind. 

"Deal" Maya replies giddily. "Let's go get ready" she adds, grabbing Riley's arm and pulling her upstairs. 


Maya walks down the stairs in her new outfit and my jaw almost hits the ground...almost. I'm able to keep myself together a little better than I thought I was. 

She's wearing a pair of white shorts that are about four inches too short and a deep red tank top that crisscrossed in the back. Her feet sported a pair of flip-flops and her hair was tied up in a high ponytail. I swore she was going to freeze to death despite how hot I was suddenly feeling from looking at her. 

"You do realize it's only going to be like fifty-four degrees tonight" I remind her and she rolls her eyes. 

"I'll live. There'll be a bonfire to keep me warm" she adds and I put my hands up in surrender. 

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