This Isn't Goodbye

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A/N: Today is the series finale of Girl Meets World. Girl Meets World found me in a time when I was going through a lot and it helped me smile again. Since then I've fallen in love with the characters and found happiness in writing fanfiction for the show. Today we have to say goodbye to the show but as the title of this one shot suggests it's never goodbye because this show will have a place in my heart forever, just as I'm sure it will for all of you. Thank you all for continuing to read my fanfiction as it means the world to me that you all enjoy it so much. This isn't the last one shot ever or anything but I wanted to write a goodbye one shot to dedicate to the end of the show.

Joshaya Forever


*Inspired By: This Time by Lea Michele as Rachel Berry*


Maya's POV

"These halls I've walked a thousand times, heartbreaks and valentine's, friends of mine"

"Gorgeous you are gonna be late for your graduation" Josh teases as he finds me standing in front of my locker.

"Sorry. I just. I need a second" I say truthfully as I run my fingertips down the cool metal door that I stood against so many times with Riley, my heart lurching as tears formed in my eyes.

"Hey come here" Josh says softly as he pulls me into his arms, holding me tight. We had finally given into our someday and we were happier than ever, well on days that I wasn't graduating high school.

"I don't wanna go" I cry into his shoulder. "I want to stay here with my friends forever."

"I know Maya" he says gently as he rubs my back soothingly.

"I remember our first day here, how these three seniors made us get into the hole" I laugh lightly as I grab his hand, pulling him into the small space between the two floors. "The fight Riley had with Lucas, the way her and I felt when we thought we lost our friends that day, only for all of us to come back together."

"Just like you always will. Graduation doesn't have to be the end" he says seriously as he holds my hand tightly.

"I know it's just. There are so many memories here, good and bad of course but memories nonetheless. I can't imagine not walking the halls with them. I don't want anything to change."

"I'm not afraid of moving on or letting go, it's just so hard to say goodbye to what I know"

"Things have to change Maya. Moving on is a part of life" he says as he continues to watch me intently.

"I'm not afraid of moving on, I'm excited to start college, I just don't know how to say goodbye to a place that's been my home for so long or how to say goodbye to my friends that are basically my family. How do I do that?"

"You don't say goodbye. You say see you later, because you can always visit and you will stay in touch with your friends. You're all too stubborn not to" he laughs. "You'll always have your memories Maya, no one can take those from you."

"Maya. Josh. Gym. Now" Cory demands as he suddenly appears. Josh gives me a quick kiss before leading me to the gym to find my friends.

"This time no one's gonna say goodbye, I keep you in this heart of mine"

The speeches seem to fly by, our diplomas being passed out just as fast. My eyes are filling with tears as I look around at all of my friends who look just as emotional as me. When they tell us to turn our tassels and announce us as high school graduates everyone around me flies out of their seat in excitement, all but five other people. Suddenly we all fly towards one another, wrapping ourselves in a hug as tears stream down our faces.

"I refuse to leave" Zay says seriously. "What are they gonna do? Expel us?" he asks as we all hold one another tight.

"Well actually" Smackle starts as we all shoot her a look making her stop talking as she laughs lightly.

"How do we do this?" Riley asks sadly. "How do we say goodbye?" she continues, her voice breaking as tears continue to fall down her face, Lucas reaching over to wipe them away.

"We can't" I say simply as Farkle nods.

"She's right. We can't say goodbye because this isn't goodbye. We'll always be together. In our hearts and our memories. We'll always have each other no matter where life takes us" he says as my heart continues to break, tears flooding my face as I feel Josh's arm around my waist. I'm thankful for the support since I immediately fall against him.

"This isn't goodbye" I repeat over and over again as we all fall back into each other's arms. This isn't goodbye.

"I'll carry where we all began, this time that we had I will hold forever"

As we walk out of the school hand in hand, my heart feels broken yet full all at the same time. As I look at all my friends and my incredible boyfriend so many memories flood my mind.

I see me and Riley on the subway on our first day of school in seventh grade.

I see Farkle trying to choose between me and Riley, only to ultimately find a soulmate in his arch nemesis.

I see Zay coming to our school and bringing smiles to all of our faces.

I see the horrible triangle but I also see what it led to.

I see me and Josh holding hands. I see our someday.

I see Riley and Lucas getting their moment.

I see everything as it floods my mind, tears running down my face as I try to catch my breath. My friends all wrap themselves around me, our tears falling all around us.

This isn't goodbye. These people are my family. I will carry them with me forever. I love them.

This isn't goodbye.  

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now