Fight, Make-Up, Repeat

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*Inspired By: Can't Help Myself by Jake Miller*


Josh's POV

"We've been so distant but we're never through"

"Just stop" Maya exclaims, "we've tried this so many times, I'm exhausted Josh" she sighs, running her fingers through her hair. "I'm done. We're done."

"Another?" the bartender asks me as I down the last of my beer. I nod and he reaches under the bar to retrieve my third bottle of the night, popping off the top and sliding it across the bar to me. I take a long swig and turn to face the crowd. There were tons of women scattered around the space but none of them were Maya.

After someday ended things we perfect, we the picture perfect couple until she went away to Europe for a semester and I got lonely and incredibly stupid. I slept with one of the girls in my French class and though Maya and I had worked through it we were never the same. Yet, we were like magnets. We couldn't stay away from one another.

"Hi" a blonde, probably about a year or two older than me smiles as she comes up to me. She's wearing a crop top and a skirt that's so tight it's not hard to realize she's going commando. "I'm Stacey" she introduces herself.

I give her a polite smile, "Josh" I introduce myself.

"You look stressed Josh" she purrs making my skin crawl. This stranger was the last person I wanted right now. "Why don't I help you with that" she offers making me jump out of my chair and out of reach of her.

"Um nope I'm good" I reply quickly, "I actually have somewhere I need to be" I add as I settle my tab and rush out of the bar.

"I shoulda went home but I'm at your door"

I know I need to stop pushing my luck but I have to see her, she means too much to me to give up this easily. I make it to her door and take a deep breath, raising my hand to knock. I knock three times before I hear her soft footsteps making their way across the carpet. When her door opens my breath hitches in my throat.

She looked nothing like the girl at the bar and I've never been so grateful. Her hair is piled in a messy bun on top of her head, she's wearing a pair of sweatpants and much to my delight she's wearing my sweatshirt.

"What are you doing here?" she asks bluntly, crossing her arms over her chest. "I thought we agreed that we were done."

I rub the back of my neck as I nod. "I know" I give, "and if you really want me to leave, I'm gone. I'll go right now" I add even though leaving is the last thing I want to do right now.

She releases a breath, moving out of the way to let me in, shutting the door behind her. "What do you want Josh?" she snips, brushing past me to turn off her television that was playing softly in the background.

"I want to talk" I explain, "lately all we've done is yell at each other and it's gotten us nowhere, well except in bed" I chuckle causing a blush to rise on the gorgeous girl's cheeks.

"What do we have to talk about?" she asks in frustration. "We keep trying and we keep failing."

"I don't know" I admit as I take a few steps towards her, "but I think wanting this to work is a big part of it, putting our all into this. That's the only way we're finally gonna work out."

"What if I have to leave again?"

"I'll come with you" I answer immediately. "Maya" I say softly, caressing her cheek. "I don't want to stop playing yet" I add in a voice barely above a whisper causing her eyes to look up and lock on mine.

"One touch and we bounce right back"

Suddenly her lips are on mine and we're drowning in each other just like we always do except this time I know that I'm not going to sneak out before she wakes up in the morning. We're going to make this work, she meant too much to me to just give up on her.

We stumble back towards her bedroom, her hands moving quickly down the buttons on my shirt while I slip mine under her sweatshirt. Somehow we muster up enough willpower to pull apart to begin undressing each other and soon enough we're on the bed, the sheets the only thing covering us as we make up for what seems like the thousandth time, only this time it's more than just a heated passion, it's a loving one, one that I could get used to for the rest of my life.

When we both finally hit our highs and collapse against one another, I hear her heartbeat under me and a smile pulls at my lips as I brace myself against the mattress, moving to look up at her. "Marry me" I say suddenly making her eyes widen in shock.

"Josh" she laughs in disbelief, "you never propose after sex."

"Maya I want you forever" I say seriously, "I'm sick of this routine, I don't want to fight anymore. I want you. Forever."

"Are you serious right now?" she asks. I smirk as I climb off of her, pulling my boxers back on before going over to my jeans and pulling out a small box I've been carrying since she got home.

"I was gonna ask before we even started fighting but I could never find my moment and we had grown so far apart" I sigh, looking into her blue eyes that were glossing over with tears.

"You're actually serious" she gasps. "Oh my god" she cries, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Maya Penelope Hunter, you are the most annoying and frustrating person I've ever met and I absolutely love you more than I've ever loved anyone" I say seriously, "so while you say this is bad timing, I'm asking" I smirk, "will you marry me?"

She gapes at me, tears spilling down her face as her hands fall and she lunges forward to kiss me, a long kiss that leaves me dizzy before pulling back and resting her forehead against mine, nodding ever so slightly making my eyes pop open in shock. "Did you just nod?" I check as a giggle falls from her lips and she nods again.

"Yes Josh" she says, tears still falling as a smile pulls at her lips, "yes I'll marry you" she exclaims making my heart swell as I take the ring out of the box and slide it onto her finger. "Oh my god" she laughs lightly, looking from the ring to me. "I love you so much" she says softly, leaning forward to kiss me again.

I let it linger for a few seconds before pulling back and nudging her nose with mine making her giggle, "I love you too Maya" I smile before we fall back together.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now