Be Mine

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Maya's POV

"Well what do you think?" I ask as I turn to face my best friend who was lounging on her bed, flipping through the latest copy of Seventeen magazine while I got ready for my date. Today was Valentine's Day and this boy Derek from my class finally asked me out. I was beyond excited, of course I was excited to get my mind off Josh.

"I think you look gorgeous Peaches" she assures me, not realizing the effect the word has had on me as my jaw clenches.

"Thanks" I reply shortly as the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it" Riley shouts as she jumps off the bed, smoothing out the wrinkles in her dark blue wrap dress and slipping into a pair of silver heels before heading off towards the living room. I smile at my reflection, admiring my curves in the dark red dress that had a plunging neckline, paired with my black stilettos I looked good.

"Damn" I hear from the doorway, my heart stopping as my head places the voice. I turn around and come face to face with Josh. The boy who threw away our someday when he slept with some girl last year.

"What do you want?" I ask in annoyance as I turn back to the mirror, trying my best to ignore the way my heart skipped a beat or the way my body was heating up at the mere thought of him in this room with me.

"It's my birthday. You're in my brother's house" he laughs as I turn back to face him. I had actually forgot that today was his birthday.

"Happy birthday" I say politely as I force a smile. "Got any plans?" I ask curiously as he shrugs.

"Nope. You?" he asks causing a genuine smile to pull at my lips as Riley walks back into the room.

"Um Maya" she says awkwardly as she brushes past her uncle.

"Yea?" I ask nervously.

"He's not coming" she whispers in my ear making tears well in my eyes.

"Why?" I whisper back, chancing a look up at Josh and finding him extremely confused.

"I don't know" she says seriously. "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine. Have a good night with Huckleberry" I smile as I take a few steps towards the door. "Happy Valentine's Day."


The bay window has always been my safe place, but I needed air so the fire escape outside the bay window would have to suffice.

"Maya you do realize it's like ten degrees out here right?" Josh asks as he climbs onto the fire escape with two hot chocolates in his hands.

"Why does no one like me?" I ask seriously as I take one of the mugs from his hand, taking a sip while I await his answer.

"I like you" he replies as he looks down at me.

"Then why did you sleep with that girl?" I ask causing him to sigh as he shrugs.

"I was a freshman Maya. I did a shit load of stuff I shouldn't have" he admits, "I made a mistake and so did the asshole who stood you up tonight."

"It's not that big of a deal. Any guy would just be a distraction from my feelings for you" I admit as I chance a look into his bright blue eyes, finding him staring back at me just as intently.

"Maya" he starts but suddenly my phone rings pulling us out of our moment. I sigh as Derek's name appears on the caller ID. "I'll go" he says as he starts to stand up but I decline the call and pull him back down beside me. "Why did you do that?" he asks confused.

"I still like you Josh" I say seriously, watching a smile pull at his lips.

"Good because I still really like you" he replies as he leans forward to press his lips to mine in a short kiss, both of us smiling widely when we pull apart. "Someday."

"How about today?" I ask smiling, "I am eighteen now" I remind him happily.

"In that case" he smiles as he takes my hand in his, "Maya Penelope Hunter, will you be my Valentine?"

"Only if I can be your girlfriend too" I smirk causing Josh to laugh as he nods his head.

"My Valentine, my girlfriend, my everything. What do you think Maya?" he asks hopefully as he stares back into my eyes that were filling with tears all over again, though this time it was from happiness.

"Yes" I say simply as I lean back in for another kiss.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now