Swiping Shocker

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Maya's POV

Being single sucks. Riley and Lucas were out on their weekly date night while I was wallowing in loneliness, alone in my room. I stare at my phone and gnaw my bottom lip as I stare at the app I installed not that long ago. I only installed it because Zay dared me but I hadn't deleted it. I sigh, opening the app.

Immediately some guy I wouldn't give the time of day for appears and I swipe left. I continue on like that for about ten minutes when suddenly a picture of some guy named Joshua appears on the screen. He was a little older than me but not by much and there was no denying he was attractive. I swipe right and my eyes widen when I'm told I've matched.

Josh: Youre gorgeous

I roll my eyes.

Me: Thats your best line?

Josh: Wow. Harsh. What more should i say? I love your bio?

Me: Lol. U may have a point

Josh: Thank you for realizing that

Me: Soooo r u in college?

Josh: NYU. U?

Me: OMG!!! I go to NYU too!

Josh: Weird. Maybe we've met.

Me: I dont know. I think i wouldve remembered you

Josh: You wouldve 😏

Me: Wow. Youre quite full of yourself

Josh: Very. So u live in the dorms?

Me: I dont know if i should. U could be a murderer

Josh: Um no.

Me: See i cant take u on your word because u obviously wouldnt just admit to being a murderer

Josh: Come on. Trust a little gorgeous

I sigh. There were worst things to do on a Friday night than hook up with a hot guy. I take a deep breath as I type him my dorm number.


"See. I told you I wasn't a murderer" Josh breathes out as he falls beside me onto the bed. I laugh as I look over at him. His body was so incredibly perfect and admittedly he seemed to a good guy.

"Unless this is your plan. Relaxing me with sex and then killing me."

"You've seen too many Lifetime movies" he laughs as he looks over at me. "This was fun. Maybe we shoukd try an actual date sometime" he smiles making my heart flutter.


"Yea" he laughs. "What? Is it surprising that I want to see you again?"

"Kinda" I shrug.

"Well" he smiles as he sits up and grabs his boxers from the floor, "I really would like to see you again."

"Maybe after Thanksgiving" I suggest. "I'm heading back to Greenwich for the holiday."

"Really?" he quirks an eyebrow. "My family is from there too."

"Small world" I smile. We share a longing stare that he breaks as he climbs out of my bed to collect the rest of his clothing.

"Um number" he says as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"We could just text over the app" I laugh but he shakes his head as he throws me his phone.

"Actually I think you should delete that app" he says making my cheeks turn bright red as I take his phone and put in my number.

"Here" I smile as I hand him his phone.

"Thanks gorgeous" he replies sweetly as he leans down to leave a small peck on my lips. "I'll text you."

"You better" I reply making him laugh as he slips out of my room.


Walking into the Matthews' home in Thanksgiving is chaos. I never saw so many people in one place at once. I take a seat in the bay window in the living room when Riley comes up and sits beside me.

"You okay?"

"Your family is huge" I laugh as I look around at everyone. "Is every holiday like this?"

"Pretty much" she shrugs. Riley and I had met this year at NYU and we had quickly become best friends. It didn't take us long to realize that our dads were best friends too which led to my family being invited for the holiday.

"Sorry we're late. Traffic was awful" an older woman smiles apologetically as she walks in with her husband on her heels.

"I hate snow" the man complains making me chuckle but my laugh gets caught in my throat when the last person I was expecting to see walks over the threshold.

"Hey family" he exclaims. Suddenly my memories of him in my bed fill my mind and my body heats up while my heart begins beating out of my chest.

"Uncle Josh" Riley exclaims as she jumps up to meet him. My head spins. Josh was my best friend's uncle! How did I not know that? I slept with my best friend's uncle is there a girl code law against that? "Josh I want you to meet-."

"Maya" Josh cuts off his niece as his eyes widen at me.

"Hey" I wave shyly.

"You two know each other" Riley says in shock and I nod numbly.

"Yea uh. I'll be-. I need to uh run to the uh-the bathroom" I stutter as I jump up and rush out of the living room. I run up the stairs and brace myself against the hallway wall trying to catch my breath.

"Maya" Josh says carefully.

"I had no idea you were related to Riley" I say quickly as I turn to face him. "I never would've swiped-oh my god" I exclaim as I stare at him. "This is so bad."

"Why? She's my niece not my girlfriend" he chuckles as he takes a step towards me. "Maya breathe."

"I had sex with my best friend's uncle!  Do you know how messed up that is?"

"Not really" he shrugs. "We aren't related" he chuckles.

"Josh" I groan.

"Maya I like you and you being my niece's friend doesn't change that."

"I have to tell Riles."

"Fine" he nods as he closes the distance between us, "but tell her tomorrow. I don't really want my family to know that I met you on Tinder."

"We could lie and say that we met here" I suggest making him chuckle.

"An idea" he shrugs as he wraps his arms around my waist. "I missed you."

"Did you?" I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"Very much" he nods as he leans down to kiss me. I deepen the kiss, running my hands through his hair before pulling away breathlessly. "We should get back downstairs."

"Probably" I nod in agreement. "I'm starving" I admit making him chuckle as he follows me back downstairs.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now