An Imperfectly Perfect Life

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A/N: Happy New Year...15 Days Late 😂😂 But I think an update for the first time in three months makes up for it...right?

Josh's POV

Throwing a party on New Year's was admittedly my idea. And my wife told me that with a newborn it was a dumb idea...and yet. I didn't listen and now, I was leaning against a wall in my kitchen attempting to enjoy my beer while ignoring the obnoxious noises my niece and her fiancè were making, sucking face against the counter.

"Oh" Katy laughs, walking in from the living room with an empty bowl that once held chips. Apparently everyone was a little snacky this evening. "I'll just-." She pauses, seemingly trying to figure out how to get to the bag that Lucas and Riley were in front of in order to refill said bowl.

I laugh, taking another swig of my beer. "Good luck mom." She smiles. It took me a while to come around to calling another woman mom but, she was Maya's mother and my mother-in-law. Eventually it just came naturally and she liked it. It reminded her that her daughter had broken the Clutterbucket curse of marrying terrible men.

She shakes her head, looking back over her shoulder into the living room. "They're a rowdy group."

I nod in agreement. Zay, Vanessa, Smackle and Farkle. A competitive group to say the least.

"If Maya would just let me do what I'm here for." I rejoin my conversation with Katy, tearing my attention to the noises in the other room to focus on her.

"You know My, stubborn to a fault" I remind the woman who raised her.

She sighs and I smile. I begged Katy to come so she could care for her grandchild for one evening while I enjoyed some semi-alone time with my wife and while Maya had originally agreed...I couldn't tear her away from the nursery everytime our daughter made so much as a peep.

"How are things?" She reaches. I glance sideways at Riley and Lucas as they come up for air and scurry off. Hopefully, to a washable surface...preferably not my bed.

I shrug. "Fine." Having a two month old wasn't all. I had so much time alone with Maya and we're in agreement on everything. On opposite day.

"Mhm." She hums. I look away and take a longer, much needed swing of my beer. I didn't need the line of questioning. I loved Maya. I was frustrated but not on the verge of doing something drastically stupid. "I'm gonna-." I don't finish the thought. I point somewhere off in the distance to get my point across and I walk away.

My beer is almost empty at this point with no result to notice. Stupid NYU drinking days for giving me a impenetrable resistance. I leave it on the landing before staring up the steps.

At the top I take a right, my feet knowing the path. I knock lightly and peek my head in to find my wife bent over the crib singing softly.

A smile tugs at my lips. No matter how many small fights we have, how irritating she can get, nothing will ever make me not love that I'm the lucky man that gets to come home to her. To our small, little family.

I close the door behind myself, glancing at the clock. 11:58.

She finishes her song and turns to face me. "Hey."

"Hey babe." She blushes as I walk across the floor, closing the small distance between us. "You know, it's almost midnight."

"Is it?" She looks at the clock and her eyes widen. "I've been up here-."

"For an hour. Mhm." I stuff my hands in my pockets. "You know, your mom came so we wouldn't have to be the responsible adults rushing up here every time she cried." I point out matter factly.

She purses her lips. "I-I know but-."

I grab her hips and pull her closer. "You just can't help yourself." I beam, resting my forehead against hers. I breathe in deeply. "I love you" I tell her softly.

She smiles back. "I love you more."

And as I notice the clock turn to midnight, I lean down and press my lips to hers. And here, alone in our daughter's room, there's nowhere I'd rather be.

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