Young Love

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A/N: Inspired by Joshaya's theme song...I mean really this song just makes me think of them so much!!!!

Thanks so much for 10k views and I really hope you all enjoy today's update. Till next time love you guys and happy reading 😊


*Inspired By: Too Young by Sabrina Carpenter*


Maya's POV

"If I'm too young to fall in love, why do you keep running through my brain?"

What's the worst part about falling for a nineteen year old?

Being sixteen.

I've had a crush on Joshua Matthews since I was fourteen. I've known I was in love with him since our night at the ski lodge. It's a year later and my feelings are still hidden away, worried about what would happen if anyone found out about how I felt about the youngest Matthews sibling. So I keep my feelings in a diary where only the pages and the ink know my secret.

Dear Diary,

Josh is coming to town tomorrow. He has a long weekend and he's spending it with Cory and the family. Hence I get to see him...I don't know what I'm gonna do. I haven't seen him since Riley almost moved all those months back and it wasn't like we talked much even then. I know he could have someone else and it hurts...a lot. Life would be so much easier if I could just forget about him.

"She's three years younger than me."

"You're too young."

"Three years. Three years. Three years." It plays in my head on a loop. A never ending loop. It's not fair that I can't love Josh. It's not fair that I'm "too young" or that we're two years and fourty four weeks apart.

If I'm too young why does he keep running through my brain?

"Don't tell me I can't feel what I'm feeling is real"

"Peaches" Riley exclaims as I walk into the loft, closing the door behind me, or trying to anyway.

"Maya" I hear behind me, my breath catching in my throat as I look up at Josh whose smiling down at me. Great I've been here for literally five seconds and I already ran into him.

"Um I'm gonna go to my room" Riley says quickly as she scurries off before I can even say a word to her. I take a few steps into the room, twiddling my thumbs (😉) as Josh shuts the door behind him as he walks into the house.

"You look gorgeous" he says sweetly as he takes in my appearance. I decided to wear a pair of black distressed jeans with a simple concert tee and a pair of converse, I looked basic at best.

"Um thanks" I reply as I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water, my throat suddenly dry at the mere sight of the boy. He was wearing a pair of tight black jeans and black tee that showcased his biceps beautifully. "How are you?" I ask after I take a sip of my water, turning back to face him as I lean back against the counter.

"Good. School's amazing actually and Andrew, Brenda, they're all good" he says happily as he comes to take a seat at the table. "What about you?" he asks curiously as I shrug.

"School is school" I reply nonchalantly.

"Zay keeping you company?" he asks as I let a soft laugh escape my lips.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now