The Someday Zone

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Josh's POV

When Drew suggested the party boat for spring break I thought it was a great idea. When I found out that Maya was going to be a guest I thought it was a disaster.

I was a junior in college while Maya was a freshman. Our someday was still up in the air but I was terrified of starting something up with her. If it crashed and burned it could ruin our other relationships with my family and I couldn't let her risk her friendship with Riley.

Now on our third day on the boat we're just chilling out. We have no excursions planned and we're having dinner aboard out modest party boat. I call it modest but Brenda's dad is loaded and none of us complained.

"Zay help me with this" Maya insists as she holds out the sunscreen to one of her friends. I do a double take when I look over at her. She's wearing a light blue bikini that accentuates her figure way to well for my liking. Well in public anyway. Zay laughs and begins applying sunscreen to her skin and I feel mine start to boil.

"You're going to give her sunburn with those blazing eyes" Brenda teases as she sits beside me. "It's clear you're into her. Make a move."

"I'm gonna make a move to punch Zay" I snarl but Brenda only shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

"You're pissed some guy has his hands on your girl. Problem is, you're too chicken to make her your girl. Go" she insists as she pushes me off my lounge chair. Maya suddenly sits up and heads to the railing. I follow after her, glad that she's putting distance between us and the rest of the group.

"Hey Maya" I say softly as I walk up to her, taking a place beside her at the railing.

"Josh" she replies without looking at me.

"How's spring break going?" I ask, mentally slapping myself. I've been with her the whole time, how did I think it was going?

"Depends on if there's a reason you're bugging me" she replies bluntly as she turns her gaze on me. "FYI, if you say it's because you thought my ass looked good in this swimsuit then you can go back to your seat" she adds causing me to laugh as I shake my head.

"FYI your ass looks good in everything you wear but that's not why I came over here" I reply causing a laugh to escape her lips this time making my heart jump.

"Then what's up?" she asks smiling.

"Are you with Zay?" I ask making her smile as she shakes her head.

"I knew you were fuming. I asked him to do that on purpose. I'm glad it bothered you" she smirks.

"You're a tease Ms. Hunter."

"Perhaps but it seems to be working" she replies and I have no retort. She's right. I was jealous and now here I am.

"Someone impatient?" I tease but again she decides on honesty and nods her head.

"I'm a freshman Josh and yet I'm still in the someday zone. I want answers and I knew this bikini would get them out of you" she admits and I'm floored. Shit she was good. Sexy as hell too.

"It's not fair for me to expect you to jump into a relationship with me. You're a freshman, you should see what else is out there."

"I did. I'm not interested. It's always been you Josh" she insists causing my heart to stop. "So?"

"Consider this your ticket out of the someday zone" I smirk as I take a step closer to her.

"Consider what?" she starts but I cut her off with my lips and quickly she responds, kissing me back intensely and everything falls into place. "I should've worn this thing ages ago" she whispers against my lips.

"It's not the bikini Maya. It's the girl in the bikini" I smile as my lips hover over hers. "My Maya."

"I like the sound of that."

"Good because you're all mine" I smile as I lean back in to kiss her.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now