Spontaneous Surprises

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Josh's POV

When you're married it's hard to keep things interesting; you fall into routines and get comfortable and there's nothing wrong with that but there's a point where the cycle of normalcy has to be broken.

Maya had to work today because while I was a professor at NYU and had the ability to simply cancel my classes on a snowy day she was working for a public school district as an art teacher and she had to go to work unless the district called off school...which they didn't.

I had spent the entire day making everything perfect for tonight and now all that was left was to surprise her when she got home.

I finish lighting the last candle on the nightstand beside the bed and glance back at the clock to find that it's just past three in the afternoon. Maya would be home in about ten minutes.

Quickly, I strip down to nothing but my boxers and head downstairs, taking a seat on the bottom step while I wait. I hoped she wouldn't be too mad at me for taking control of our plans for tonight but I needed some spontaneous fun with my wife.

I bite into my bottom lip, staring at the door while I wait anxiously. She was taking longer than usual.

Of course the day that I choose to be spontaneous she decides to take her sweet time getting home.

I should've turned up the heat before I decided to strip down and stand across from the front door.

I sigh, losing hope when the doorknob finally twists and I stand up in excitement. I lean against the banister trying to act casual as the door opens.

"It's fine" Maya chuckles and my eyes widen when I realize that she's not alone. "You can't help it that your battery died" she adds and when she finally crosses the threshold the girl behind her walks in and my heart stops. Maya's eyes widen when she sees me and I wish I could turn back but I know that the other woman has already seen me.

"Um are you sure he doesn't mind?" Riley asks as she closes the door behind herself and Maya's cheeks turn bright red as she scurries towards me.

"I-I had no idea" she stutters and I offer her a soft smile.

"It's okay. You girls get comfortable and I'll uh go put on some clothes and call Aug" I add. Auggie owned one of the most successful auto shops in Greenwich; he could probably get out here and get Riley's battery changed before I could blink.

"I'm sorry" she says softly but I shake my head, dismissing her ridiculousness.

"No need to be sorry" I reply before turning back up the stairs to change.

~ 🖤 ~

Riley's car gets towed from the school parking lot to Auggie's garage and she's off on her way home within an hour.

Maya sits at the dining room table across from me, picking at her dinner. "Something wrong?" I ask her worriedly, lifting my beer to my lips. She sighs, dropping her fork.

"I feel like such an idiot. I-I'm really sorry Josh."

I furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion. "Sorry for what? Inviting my niece over? You do that all the time. You had no way of knowing what I had planned."

She bites her bottom lip and nods her head but I could still sense the questions brewing beneath the surface.

Maya and I weren't exactly the most romantic people, being married for a few years does tend to suck the romance right out of relationships but I never wanted to stop trying to show her see how much I loved her. "My."

"Why did you plan it?" she asks finally and I smile, shrugging my shoulders.

"Just missed you, I guess."

She nods, quirking her lips to the side. "You could just tell me next time."

"You mean you don't want your best friend to almost see me naked again?"

"Um no" she laughs, shaking her head. "But the thought was sweet and I appreciate the effort...even if it didn't turn out the way you hoped."

I smirk, crossing my arms on the table in front of me. "It still could."

She blushes, giggling nervously and I can't help but smile; I loved the effect I still had on her after all these years.

"You wanna?"

"I don't know, you wanna?" I tease making her roll her eyes.

"You're a dork" she replies, standing up and pushing in her chair. "But maybe I do wanna" she adds with a smirk before strutting off.

I fail to contain a chuckle as I stand up, happily leaving dinner unattended as I follow her to our bedroom.

A/N: Not the longest one shot but something short and sweet seemed like a perfect way to come back. I hope you all didn't miss me too much and again I appreciate how patient you all were while I took some much needed time for myself. I'll be back soon lovelies but for now, stay warm ❄

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