Lucky Tipper

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A/N: Happy St. Patrick's Day 🍀


Maya's POV

"I hate St. Patrick's Day" I complain as I pour another beer from the tap before placing it in front of the customer who slides me a five dollar bill.

"Keep the change baby" he smirks as he walks away making me roll my eyes. The drink was four twenty-five.

"I just got a whole seventy-five cent tip" I exclaim, faking excitement as the girl working the bar with me, Bridgette laughs.

"Honey at least he didn't stare at your boobs the whole time you poured his drink" she shoots back as she pushes a rum and coke across the bar. I didn't have much cash saved up to pay for school but most of it was payed for with scholarships. Unluckily I still had tons of loans too and rent so I got a job at the bar on campus. It wasn't bad most of the time but on national drinking holidays like today it was.

"Ugh" I moan as I wipe down the bar with a rag before taking another order and filling it quickly earning a dollar tip this time. I roll my eyes as I put the money in the drawer and place my tip in my cup before turning around and eyeing someone I haven't seen in years. "Holy shit" I mutter as I let my eyes drink him in.

Joshua Matthews.

He had to be at least twenty-four now since I was twenty-one and he looked amazing. His hair was the same length as it was when we were younger put it had lost a lot of its boyish messiness. His eyes were still a stunning blue color that made my knees go weak, his mouth moving in a charming way as he talked up a blonde beside him.

"You're staring" Bridgette informs me as I quickly look away and glance at her, heat rising on my cheeks. "You know him?" she asks and I slowly nod.

"Mhm" I reply as she laughs, hitting me with the bar rag on the ass.

"Go talk to him. He's hot as hell" she states with appreciation in her voice as she looks him up and down. "Those arms. I wonder if he has the six pack to match" she smirks making me bite my lip. "Go" she insists as she pushes me forward making me stumble into the bar. Josh's eyes flick up to mine and his mouth drops open in shock.

"Need a drink?" I ask casually as he stares at me, his blue eyes drilling into mine.

"We'll have two beers" the blonde says snottily as she looks me up and down. I continue to stare at Josh as a smile pulls at his lips. "Now" the blonde adds making me break out of my trance.

"Sorry" I apologize quickly as I grab a glass and start to fill it.

"You look good Maya" Josh says smoothly as he finally finds his words. I catch his eyes staring at my chest a second longer than they should and I can't help but smirk. Josh thought I looked good, the thought send tingles throughout my body.

"So do you Josh" I reply as I slide the first beer to the girl. "I didn't know you still went here."

"Fell behind my third semester. I'm graduating this semester" he explains with a smile. "What about you?"

"Almost done" I shrug. "A year and a half to go" I add as I hand him his beer. "That'll be nine eighty seven" I explain as I throw the bar rag over my shoulder.

"Keep the change" Josh smiles as he slides a twenty across the bar. I can't hide my smile as I take the bill before realizing there's something written on it, a phone number.

"I'm taking my break" I tell Bridgette who smiles and nods in understanding as I slip into a quiet corner, digging out my phone and dialing the number. I jump when I hear it ringing close by and as I look up I lock eyes with Josh in front of me.

"Where's blondie?" I ask with a smirk as I hang up my phone.

"Does it matter?" he asks as he takes a step closer to me but when he reads my face he sighs, rubbing his neck. "She's my lab partner and we've been working on a project all afternoon. I told her I'd buy her a drink in the spirit of the holiday."

"So she's not your girlfriend?"

"No. She's not" Josh smirks as he steps closer, closing the gap between us. "Didn't you say once you were Irish?" he asks making me laugh as I think back to my freshman year in high school.

"I did yes" I agree with a laugh, "but I'm not really."

"Damn" he whispers as he pushes me against the wall, his hand caressing my cheek, "could I kiss you anyway?"

"I'd be mad if you didn't" I smile and just like that his lips land on mine and we're kissing. We kiss for what feels like forever until my alarm on my phone goes off notifying me that it's time for me to get back to work. "I gotta finish my shift."

"First you gotta agree to go on a date with me" he says as he keeps me pinned against the wall.

"Anytime you want" I reply as I reach up for one last kiss. "Call me" I smirk as I duck under his arms and make my way back to the bar.

"St. Patrick's Day isn't so bad after all huh?" Bridgette teases as I fall back in the routine of serving drinks making me hit her with the bar rag.

"I hate you" I lie as we both laugh and continue to serve drinks, all the while counting down the minutes until the end of my shift. Until I can call Josh again.

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