Skipping Out on the Triangle

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Josh's POV

"Why are we at the mall for senior ditch day? Shouldn't we be at the beach or something?" I ask my best friend Ana while we walk around the mall aimlessly causing her to laugh as she shakes her head.

"Everyone is at the beach. Therefore, I don't wanna be at the beach" she explains as I shake my head in amusement.

"Whatever you say Ana" I reply as we continue to walk around. "Are you looking to buy anything in particular?" I ask curiously as she shrugs.

"Not really but I'm getting kinda hungry. Wanna head to the food court?" she asks as I nod my head.

"Sounds perfect" I agree as we walk towards the food court, "I'm thinking Chinese" I add as she nods in agreement.

"Orange chicken" she smiles, "I'll go order, you find us a seat."

"Got it" I smile as I walk away from my best friend and head off to find a table. I'm searching the crowded food court looking for a place to sit when my eyes land on a familiar blonde sitting in the corner eating a slice of pizza and scrolling on her phone.

Maya. What the hell was she doing here? She isn't a senior. I make my way over to her, stopping in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I make it to her table, causing her to look up at me in shock.

"It's ditch day, aren't you supposed to be at the beach?" she asks causing me to laugh.

"That's what I said" I exclaim, momentarily forgetting my reasoning for walking over here. "Hey, don't change the subject. Maya what are you doing here?"

"Nothing" she shrugs causing me to look at her expectantly.

"Maya I don't think it's nothing. You never skip school, what's going on?" I ask confused as she sighs, motioning for me to take a seat across from her.

"Has anyone told you about the triangle stuff going on?" she asks curiously as I nod. Who didn't' know about the Maya, Lucas, and Riley drama. "Since it started I've kinda been struggling in art" she admits causing my eyes to widen in shock. Maya struggling in art, art and Spanish were two of the things she exceled in.

"How can you be struggling in art? Art is who you are" I ask confused as she shrugs.

"I don't know but I just" she sighs as she runs her fingers through her hair. "I'm having trouble and I don't want to be in that class anymore, so I don't go. I come here where I can think and have some time to myself" she explains.

"May I add my two cents?" I ask causing her to laugh as she nods. "How do you honestly feel about Lucas? No pressure, just the first feeling that you feel when I say his name."

"He's a nice guy and he's really sweet" she shrugs as I shake my head.

"But how do you feel about him? You once told me that it was me you liked? Does this feel like that?" I ask and I realize that if the answer is yes I might fall apart. I hadn't talked to Maya in a while but I can't help but realize that I like her flirting with me. I like our game, our long game.

"No" she admits softly causing me to almost breathe a sigh of relief. "But what does that mean? That I basically ruined my friendship with both of them for nothing?" she exclaims.

"No Maya" I assure her as I reach across the table to take her hand in mine, feeling a spark of electricity run up my arm. "Trust me, they both care about you too much to let this stand in the way of that."

"So what should I do?" she asks as I shrug.

"That's up to you" I smile as Ana suddenly appears at my side.

"There you are" she exclaims. "I've been looking everywhere for you. Who's this?" she asks as she motions at Maya.

"This is Maya" I smile.

"Maya? Long game Maya?" Ana asks as I stare at her wide eyed. Shit. Now Maya would know I've talked about her.

"You talk about me?" Maya asks with a smirk. "Um yea I'm that Maya" she adds as she looks up at Ana. "I should get back to school" she says as she stands up with her tray. "Thanks Josh" she adds with a smile.

"Anytime gorgeous" I reply making a blush rise on her cheeks as she walks away.

"You seem smitten" Ana teases as I fail to hold back my smile

"Hey Josh" I hear suddenly making me turn around to find Maya staring back at me. "Long game?" she asks causing my heart to stop as I nod.

"Long game" I agree causing her to smile brightly before walking off. I turn back to Ana whose smiling beside me.

"You like her" she teases and I can't deny it.

"I like her a lot" I admit as we sit down to finally eat our lunch.

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