A Slice of Her Heart

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Happy Birthday Joshua Matthew's & Happy Valentine's Day 💙🎉

~ ❤🍕❤ ~

Josh's POV

"I just don't understand why you can't come into town tonight" my mom complains through the speaker in my car while I drive towards my brother's loft. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel and sigh. Neither of my parents knew about my feelings for a certain blonde that was a few years younger than me and I planned to keep it that way for as long as I could. 

"I have other plans" I reply vaguely. "And besides, it's my twenty-first birthday. I'm not supposed to spend today with you and dad" I joke despite being completely serious. Your twenty-first birthday was the birthday that you spent getting wasted with your closest friends...not that those were my plans but they didn't need to know that. "I'll be back in Philly this weekend to celebrate anyway."

She sighs. "I know. It's just-we miss you honey" she says sadly. "But we understand that it is your birthday and you should be able to do whatever you want so, have fun tonight."

I smile. Apparently I was better at lying than I thought. "I will mom. I love you."

"Love you too" she agrees before we finally hang up. I pull up to my brother's loft and throw the car into park before climbing out and heading up the steps. I buzz their loft and immediately my niece's voice flows from the intercom. 

"Matthews' residence."

"Hey Riles." 

"Uncle Josh" she exclaims. "I'll buzz you up" she says before the door unlocks. I head up to their place and Riley is already standing there with the door thrown open. "What are you doing here?" she asks confusedly. "I thought you'd be out drinking with your college friends."

I shrug. "There was something more pressing I needed to do. Happy Valentine's Day by the way" I add as I walk past her into the loft. "Any plans with that cowboy of yours?" I ask, looking around the room for a certain blonde. 

"Um yea we're going out to dinner a little later. What are you looking for?" she asks. I turn to find her standing in front of the door, eyeing me skeptically with her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Uh" I stutter. 

"Riley where are those red heels that you bought for last Valentine's Day?" Maya asks as she walks down the steps wearing a slimming black dress that's hemline is dangerously short and my throat goes dry. Her hair was falling in waves around her shoulders and her face was caked up with make-up, hiding her true beauty beneath. "Josh" she breathes out. 

"Uh hey gorgeous" I reply, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "You uh you look um" I continue to stumble over my words and Riley laughs as she brushes past me towards her best friend. 

"They're on the top shelf of my closet and I think Bryan will love them" she gushes. My eyes widen as I finally realize why Maya is so dressed up tonight...she has a date. 

"Y-you have a date tonight?" I ask, clearing my throat in an attempt to sound a bit more confident than I feel. 

"Yea I do" she confirms. "With a guy I've been seeing for a couple months" she adds and my heart drops. "You'd know that if you would've shown up for my birthday" she snips before turning back around and heading up to Riley's room. 

I'm knocked speechless. I had planned to come to her party...I mean, she was turning eighteen, it was sort of a big deal for us but my professor slammed a ten page essay on us that counted for sixty percent of our grade and it wasn't exactly something I could blow off. "Sorry Uncle Josh" Riley apologizes. 

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