Take On the World

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Josh's POV

Usually going over to my brother's place was my favorite thing in the world. I got to hang out with my family and see my girl but today I was less than thrilled to go. I knew what I had to tell Maya and I knew it was going to ruin everything.

I push open the door to the loft and find Maya sitting alone on the couch watching television. "Hey" she smiles as she pops a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "You wanna watch a movie?"

"Um" I stutter as I place my laundry bag on the floor. "Where's Cor and Pangers?" I ask curiously, looking around the loft for my family while I shut the door behind me.

"No idea. Riles made me a key and my parents are working late" she shrugs. "What are you doing here?" she questions as she looks up at me.

"I have some laundry to do" I explain as I walk further into the room. "And uh, I wanted to talk to you" I add, strolling towards the couch while her gaze flicks up to meet mine.

"Oh yea? What's up future boyfriend?" she asks brightly making my heart drop.

I take a seat beside her on the couch and take a deep breath. "I've decided to take a year off" I explain carefully causing her eyes to widen in shock.

"Wow" she snickers. "Have you told your parents yet? They're gonna freak."

"I'm more worried about you" I admit as I lock my blue eyes onto hers. Her eyes quickly clouding over with confusion.

"Why would you be worried about me?" she asks as she sits up attentively, placing her bowl of popcorn on the table.

"Maya you know I care about you" I start carefully. 

"No" she states defiantly, shaking her head vigorously. "I know this speech. It's the "I love you but not enough to stay" speech."

"I care about you babe but this is something I have to do."

"Do what?" she demands.

"I'm heading out to Europe" I explain carefully.

"Europe?" she questions tearfully. "When?"

"Fall" I reply. A sparkle suddenly sparks in her eyes as her face softens and a smile pulls at her lips.

"Fall? As in after I graduate?" she stutters as she scoots closer to me.

"Um yea I guess" I chuckle as I rub my neck, staring down at her. "What does that have to do with anything?" I ask, failing to see her point.

"Nothing" she says, thinking better of whatever idea had crossed her mind. She shakes her head as she stands up and takes her popcorn bowl to the kitchen. "Forget it" she insists but I follow her into the kitchen.

"Um nope" I argue, stepping in front of her. "What were you getting at?" I demand. She averts her eyes to the ground and shakes her head.

"It was presumptuous."

"Don't use big words. It scares me" I reply making the blonde chuckle as she lifts her gaze back to me.

"Got it" she chuckles. "Look" she takes a deep breath, "have an amazing time in Europe."

"I'd love to but I can't because the girl I'm crazy about is acting weird" I reply as I reach out to caress her cheek.

"Josh" she sighs.

"Penelope" I tease earning a glare that makes a smile pull at my lips. "What were you getting at?" I repeat again, drawing out every word slowly.

"I'll be done with school. I got into NYU but I could differ if you know" she trails off as my eyes widen, finally catching what she was implying.

"You wanna come with me?" I ask in shock as she steps back from me.

"No. Of course not" she lies as she shakes her head vigorously.

"Liar" I smirk as I step towards her, closing the distance she continues to put between us.

"Am not" she protests weakly.

"Maya Penelope Hunter, come with me" I beg. "I want you to come with me. I want to travel the world with you."

"Mhm" she hums unconvinced as I take another step, getting her pinned up against the wall.

"I do" I say softly as my eyes lock with hers. I honestly couldn't believe the thought hadn't occurred to me before now. It made so much sense and alone time with Maya was all I wanted.

"Why?" she questions with a raise of her eyebrow making me chuckle as I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Who else is gonna tell me a bunch of facts about art?" I ask making her giggle.

"Is that the only reason?"

"No" I reply bluntly. "I also could use a lot of this" I whisper before crashing my lips onto hers. Her lips move quick and insistent against mine, a hum escaping her lips as I deepen the kiss.

"My dad is gonna kill me" she giggles as she pulls back slightly to catch her breath.

"Me too" I mutter softly as I lean back into kiss her, grabbing her legs and lifting her onto the counter.

"Is that why you're still kissing me?" she smiles.

"If I'm gonna get killed for flying you across the country I may as well make the most of the time I have left" I smirk.

"Have I mentioned how much I love being eighteen?" she questions as she hooks her arms around my neck.


"Because" she smiles as she leans down to kiss me. "I can do that and I can make the decision to follow you across the globe."

I smile, leaning back in for another kiss before picking her up and carrying her to the spare bedroon where we spend the rest of the afternoon making the most of the time we have left before Shawn inevitably killed us both.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now