Bad Reputation

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A/N: I may have a slight Shawn Mendes obsession.

*Inspired By: Bad Reputation by Shawn Mendes*


Maya's POV

It's Friday night and we're at a party as per usual. I'm swaying to the music with a drink in my hand as someone comes up behind me. 

"Hey beautiful" the guy whispers in my ear. I smile before turning around to face the boy. Charlie Gardner. Things with him and Riles didn't work out in middle school but he's ended up at NYU just like the rest of us.

"Charlie" I respond seductively as I look up at him. He wasn't my type at all but I didn't care. He was a good time, which was all I needed. 

"Where's the rest of the group?" he asks as he looks around. I roll my eyes at his question. Riley and Lucas would never be caught dead at a party, Smackle and Farkle were out of town on a science retreat and Zay was probably upstairs with a girl. 

"Charlie you know that's a dumb question" I respond as I grab his waist pulling him closer to me. "And anyways who cares where they are, all that matters is where you and I are going" I whisper as I look up at him through my eyelashes seductively. Charlie smirks down at me grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs. 


Josh's POV

I'm sitting around yet another mindless party thinking about the large amount of homework that was waiting for me in my dorm when my best friend comes up to me with a drink in his hand. 

"Come on Josh. Live a little" Andrew insists holding out the cup of beer for me to take. 

"I don't drink Drew, you know that" I respond pushing the beer away as I stand up. When I do I notice a flash of blonde hair over Andrew's shoulder. "Was that Maya?" I ask motioning towards the space that occupied the blonde a few seconds ago. 

"Oh yea. She's always at these parties. She's hooked up with almost every guy in our class." Andrew states nonchalantly having no idea that this tidbit of information just sent my head spinning. 

"I'll be right back" I say as I brush past Andrew walking up the stairs towards the bedrooms. I pass two rooms with open doors before reaching two at the end of the hallway that are shut. I knock on the one to my right. 

"Um occupied" I hear and I recognize the voice immediately, it's Zay. 

"Hey Zay. Do you know where Maya is?" I ask causing Zay to open the door just enough to stick his head out. 

"I don't know. She's probably with Charlie. He's her usual hook-up. Try the next room" Zay says before slamming the door shut. 

I turn around and face the door. It's the only other closed door. Maya has to be behind it, the question was who was she with and what the hell had she gotten herself into?


Maya's POV

I follow Charlie upstairs and the minute the door slams shut Charlie's lips are on mine. He pushes me onto the bed moving his lips down my neck. I close my eyes and try to get lost in Charlie but I'm having trouble tonight and I don't know why. Charlie keeps kissing me unbuttoning my shirt quickly. I bring Charlie's lips back up to mine trying to kiss away my thoughts but my mind won't stop running and suddenly the door flies open. 

"Maya" I hear making my blood run cold. I'd know that voice anywhere. I push Charlie off of me sitting up quickly locking eyes with the boy standing in the doorway. His face is void of emotion but I can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing. 

"Get out" Josh orders looking away from me to stare at Charlie. Charlie looks at me quickly before rushing past Josh. As soon as Charlie is out of the room Josh closes the door behind him locking it. I suddenly start to feel nervous. I button my shirt and reposition myself on the edge of the bed. Josh is pacing the room and the longer the silence continues the more nervous I get. 

"Josh please say something" I beg looking up at him nervously as I play with a loose thread on the comforter. 

"What do you want me to say Maya?" Josh asks rubbing his neck with his hand uncomfortably. 

"I don't know. Anything. Please Josh."

"Why? Why Charlie? Why are you drinking?" he asks motioning towards the cup on the nightstand. "Maya this isn't you."

"Like you would know" I mutter under my breath but as I look up at him I know he heard me. 

"Don't make this about me Maya" Josh says as he finally locks eyes with me. 

"I'm not" I say defensively. "It's about me. No one wants me. Oh wait no. Everyone wants me. Everyone wants to sleep with me and then ignore me the morning after. No one wants to actually date me, or hell even just take me out for coffee." I say sadly. 

"Maya what are you talking about?" Josh asks confused. 

"Don't act like you don't know" I say as I look up at him through my tear filled eyes. 

"I don't. Maya what's going on?" Josh asks concerned as he kneels down in front of me grabbing my hands. 

"I had a boyfriend. He was perfect. We were together our entire senior year. The night before graduation we slept together. The next day he tells me he's moving to California to go to school next year and he thinks long distance would just prolong the inevitable." I cry as I avoid Josh's gaze finally letting out my tears that I've been holding in for years. 

"So the hook-ups?" Josh asks carefully. 

"If I don't get emotionally involved I can't get hurt" I cry. "I can usually let myself get lost in the moment not thinking about anything, not letting my emotions cloud my judgement but it's hard." 

"Of course it's hard Maya. Sex whether we want it to or not has emotion tied to it."

"I don't actually have sex with any of them" I clarify. "I've only ever been with one person. I can't let myself be that vulnerable again." 

"Just out of curiosity. How many?" Josh asks causing me to laugh. 

"Charlie mostly. There's been like two other guys. The number has definitely been exaggerated."

"Would it be wrong of me to say I'm relieved" Josh laughs causing me to join in finally locking eyes with him. 

"Why are you here Josh?" I ask finally. 

"Drew dragged me here" Josh says causing me to roll my eyes. 

"I mean here. In this room. Why did you come running after me?"

"Maya I had feelings for you. Those don't just go away." Josh says rubbing my hand with his thumb. 

"Would it be wrong to say I'm happy to hear that" I ask smiling down at him. 

"Not at all" Josh says as he leans up pressing his lips against mine momentarily. I smile as he pulls away. "Maya for the record your ex was an ass and I'll kick his if I ever meet him." 

"My knight in shining armor" I laugh. 

"Always. Now how about you and I get dinner sometime" Josh says and I can't help but blush. 

"Like a date?" 

"Not like a date Maya. A date. It's time to start someday" Josh says causing my heart to swell. 

"I'd love to" I answer smiling down at him before pressing my lips against his again and as I kiss him I allow myself to be happy. To let my emotions run wild as I get lost in Josh, no longer holding back because I knew Josh would never hurt me.  

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