Empty Pockets

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*Mild Sexual Content*

Josh's POV

It seemed like forever since I felt this nervous in my relationship with Maya. There was a time when all I felt was nerves in her presence, often stumbling over my words and blurting out this like, "you grew up gorgeous." But things had changed since then.

Ten years later, she wasn't just my niece's best friend but my wife.

Today had been as perfect as we'd planned. A simple ceremony on the roof of the loft and a reception at Topanga's. We hadn't wanted anything fancy, just something small with all of the people that meant the most to us. "Hey." I glance at my nephew who takes a seat beside me at one of the outside tables.

They were pushed back along the edge of the courtyard to make room for dancing while the DJ played on the landing of the steps. "Mister Auggie" I tease. I had been calling him that for years and now, as a fifteen year old, it drove him nuts.

"Enjoying married life?" He asks conversationally, deciding not to give me shit for teasing him. I suppose being the groom gave me a reprieve.

"I am. How about you?" I ask, sitting back with my drink in hand.

He chuckles. Auggie and Ava have practically been married for ten years, all that was missing was the marriage certificate.

"We're good" he assures me, a smile wide on his lips.

"Yea? How good?" I ask, a playfulness in my tone. As his uncle, I was privy to information that not many others had. And that included details of how he had finally taken the next step with Ava a few weeks ago.

He had come to me for advice and I had laughed. Being that I was a twenty-seven year old virgin, I wasn't the biggest help.

I hadn't planned to wait until my wedding night to finally lose my virginity, it had just sorta happened.

I hadn't wanted to do it with anyone I dated before Maya and then when we finally got together and she confessed that she hadn't done it either, we decided to wait.

And it had been difficult.

We had almost given into our desires more times than I could count but every single time we stopped before things got too far which meant that tonight would be even more special...and every bit as nerve-wracking as you could imagine.

"Auggie!" Ava appears out of the crowd and Auggie's face lights up even brighter...which I thought was impossible.

"My woman's here" he exclaims, standing up. "See you later Uncle Josh." And then he's walking towards his girlfriend and leading her onto the dance floor, leaving me alone.

But not for long. "Hi hubby." Maya's voice is soft in my ear, her hands clapped onto my shoulders.

"Hi baby" I reply, turning my head just slightly to catch her lips with mine. "Did you have fun dancing?" I ask as we pull apart. She had been in the dance floor with Riley for most of the reception, shocking no one.

She hums, moving to the seat beside me. "I did. But my feet are killing me." She complains, kicking off her heels that she had insisted on wearing to make her appear taller. I didn't mind because it made her happy but I much preferred my petite blonde. "When do we get to leave?"

I chuckle, glancing at the clock on my phone. It was just past eleven o'clock. "Less than an hour."

She groans, placing her hand on my thigh. "Can't we leave early?" She asks, scooting her chair just a tad closer and slipping her hand just a little higher. My breath hitches.

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