I Heard You Were Happy

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*Inspired By: Friend of a Friend by Tim McGraw*


Josh's POV

"You're living out in LA now"

"Morning" Riley smiles as she walks into the living room of the small loft we shared just off NYU's campus. Since we both ended up at the same university we got a place together to save money. It was fine but it was hard to ignore the large Maya shaped cloud that was hanging over our heads.

"Morning niece" I reply with a smile as I hand her a cup of coffee. "How are you today?"

"Good. Talked to Maya this morning" she adds as she walks over to the freezer to retrieve a few frozen waffles.

"Oh yea?" I ask, trying not to sound as interested as I was. "How's she doing?"

"Good. She loves California, she's even been looking into renting a beach house so all of our friends can go see her this summer" she explains as I drink my own cup of coffee.

"That would be fun. I know you miss her."

"I know you miss her too" Riley replies softly but I ignore her and escape from the room saying I'm going to take a shower. I make my way to my room and close the door behind me, closing my eyes to keep my composure. I should've told her to stay. All I had to do was tell her to stay. Why didn't I ask her to stay?

"You met somebody in a coffee shop"

I'm scrolling through Facebook a few weeks later in between classes while I chill underneath a tree in the union. Everything is as expected, engagements, random baby pictures, people complaining about homework, nothing shocking until I stumble upon an update from Maya.

Maya Hunter in a relationship

My heart stops as I stare at the relationship update. There's no guy tagged so I can't cyber stalk making me more irritated than it should. I glance at the clock and realize it's almost time for class. I grab my stuff and make a note to ask Riley about this mystery guy when I get home.


"Someone's been on Facebook" Riley sighs when I burst into her room demanding details about Maya's love life. "I don't know much honestly. She met him at some coffee shop on campus. They hit it off and they're dating."

"You don't even know his name?"

"No I don't. Look Josh I'm sorry but you had your chance and you know that. She begged you to stop her and you didn't" she reminds me making my heart sink.

"Thank you so much for the reminder" I snap as I sprint out of her room trying to fight memories of the worst night of my life.


"Got everything?" I ask Maya as I stand in the doorway of Riley's bedroom. Riley's was her last stop before the airport.

"Yep" she replies softly. "California. It's a huge opportunity."

"That it is" I agree as I look at the ground, knowing if I look at her I'll ruin everything. I'll make her stay. "You're gonna do amazing things Maya."

"I can do amazing things here too Josh. If there was some reason for me to stay." I look up at her reluctantly, locking eyes with her. I want more than anything to make her stay but that's so selfish and I'd hate myself for it.

"You should go Maya" I say softly as I try to fight tears and just like that she's gone.

"You looked amazing it that long white gown"

I have the loft to myself for a week because Riley is out in California for Maya's wedding. I couldn't believe it when I got the invitation, she was really getting married. I guess I always thought that someday she'd come back home to New York and her and I would live happily ever after.

My phone blares beside me and I sigh as I reach over and answer it without checking the caller ID. "Hello."

"Josh" Maya's soft voice says and I almost drop the phone out of shock.

"Maya" I reply in disbelief. "Aren't you supposed to be getting married?"

"I am. I just. I felt like I had to say goodbye to you. For real this time." My heart sinks, of course she was calling to say goodbye, she'd never call for anything else again. She was with someone else now.

"You're happy right?" I reply hopefully.

"Mhm" she says through tears that I know she's fighting. "Thank you for letting me go that day."

"I had to Maya. I couldn't hold you back."

"I know and I hope someday you find your happy ending."

"Thanks Maya. Congrats."

"Thank you. Goodbye Josh."

"Goodbye Maya."

"He didn't mean it when he took those vows...been asking everybody about me"

A year and half passes until the rumors become hard to ignore. Maya's husband left her, she's back in New York, living with her mom. I thought the news would make me happy but I feel awful. She didn't deserve to have a guy walk out on her.

"You know she's been asking about you" Riley says as we sit around the kitchen table eating breakfast, something we only did formally on Sundays.


"Come on Josh. You and Maya re soulmates. Everyone knows this except the two of you apparently."

"She's over me" I insist but Riley shakes her head.

"Trust me. She's not."


I'm on the couch watching the news when I hear a knock on the door. I glance at the clock and confirm it's past ten. I wonder if Riley invited Lucas over and forgot. I click off the TV and head over to the door, opening it without a second thought.

"Hi Josh."

"Maya" I say in shock as I stare at the gorgeous blonde who looks skinnier and a lot less hopeful than she did a few years back. "I heard you were back in town."

"Yet I had to track you down" she laughs as she pushes her way into the loft. "Do you remember when I basically asked you to make me stay in New York?"

"You mean the day my world crumpled at my feet? Yea I remember it well."

"Why did you let me go?" she exclaims as tears start to fall.

"Because you had a chance to do something amazing with your life. All I could offer you was a life of becoming the wife of a history teacher."

"I would've rather been that than anything else Josh" she shouts taking me by surprise.

"Why did you call me on your wedding day Maya?"

"Because I had to convince myself that you did me a favor. I was trying to convince myself that I had moved on and that I was happy. Of course I wasn't and he knew that which is why he started screwing his assistant at work."

"And now you're back."

"And I'm begging you one more time Josh. Tell me to stay."

There's no hesitation this time, I close the distance between us and I crash my lips onto hers. I kiss her like I've always dreamed and she kisses me back with just as much enthusiasm until we're both too breathless to continue. I rest my forehead against hers trying to catch my breath, locking my blue eyes onto hers.


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