Clinical Love

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Maya's POV

"You look so cute" Riley smiles as she looks at me in my scrubs. Today was my first day of clinicals in nursing school and I was beyond nervous.

"Thanks but looking cute isn't going to get me my degree" I laugh as I look at myself in the mirror. I was wearing light blue scrubs with my hair up in a high ponytail, I had to admit I did look kinda cute.

"Whatever" Riley laughs as she shakes her head. "Have a good first day."

"Thanks Riles" I reply happily before heading out the door.


I walk into the hospital and there are people everywhere. My classmates surround me as we're taken on a tour of the building and I'm in awe. It's hard to believe that one day I'll get to work in a place like this. As we walk I come upon an art room that causes me to pause. I gave up my love of art for a more promising career but art would always be a great love of mine.

"You can take the art from the girl but you can't take the girl from the art" I hear from behind me making my breath catch in my throat.

"Josh" I smile as I turn around to face the boy I've been in love with since I was fourteen. "I didn't realize this was the hospital you volunteered at."

"I didn't realize you were in nursing school either. Life is full of happy coincidences" Josh smiles as he walks over to me. "Speaking of which gorgeous, where is your class?"

"Oh my god" I exclaim as I look around, realizing that my class is nowhere to be seen. "I am in so much trouble."

"It'll be okay" he assures me. "So what are you doing in nursing school? Why aren't you pursuing art?" he asks confused as we walk into the art room, taking seats at the table in the middle of the room.

"Because it's not realistic" I explain simply. "I needed a career."

"Art is a career Maya" he smiles. "You know if you really like this medical stuff you could become an art therapist. There are tons here and they're amazing" he adds.

"But I look so cute in the scrubs" I argue making Josh laugh as he nods his head.

"I'm not arguing that but you should do something that makes you happy Maya."

"Who says I'm not happy? And what about you?" I ask curiously. "What have you been up to since graduation?"

"Volunteering here" he smiles making his blue eyes sparkle. "I love helping out in pediatrics. Getting to be there for people who are going through hell makes me happy. My parents have been those people and I want to make sure that anyone else going though that isn't alone."

"That's sweet" I reply happily. "What about that girl you were dating? She was cute" I add making Josh laugh as he shakes his head.

"Her other boyfriend thought so too" Josh replies making my eyes widen.

"She was cheating on you?" I exclaim.

"Yea but it's not a big deal. I like art geeks" he smirks making a blush rise on my cheeks. "Especially ones that can pull off looking sexy in scrubs."

"Joshua Matthews are you flirting with me?" I tease making him laugh.

"After six years, hell yes I'm flirting with you" he laughs making me smile. "We should eat dinner together tonight. I'm guessing you're gonna be here awhile."

"Um yea. Speaking of which I should probably get going and find my class."

"Remember what I said Maya. Nursing may be am amazing career but you're an artist and that's not gonna change."

"Thank you Josh" I smile as I stand up. "And I'd love to have dinner with you."

"Perfect. I'll swing by the nurse's station to find you."

"Sounds perfect. I'll see you later Josh."

"See you later gorgeous."

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