It All Started With a Bikini

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Maya's POV

Usually during the summer you get away from school, hence summer vacation but evidently the nature club that Mr. Matthews ran didn't see it that way. Instead of being home like normal future high school seniors we were on a bus on our way to some waterpark resort for the weekend. How it had anything to do with nature I had no idea but then again this was Mr. Matthews, he could relate any two things. "This is gonna suck" I complain to Riley for the millionth time since we climbed onto the bus.

"With that attitude" she laughs as she not so subtly looks over at Lucas who was sitting in a row diagonal from ours. She was driving me crazy, she's liked him since she fell onto his lap almost six years ago yet here she sits staring at him from afar.

"Are you at least gonna finally tell Huckleberry how you feel?" I ask hopefully making her turn back to face me with a fake confused look on her face.

"What are you talking about? I have no feelings" she defends quickly making me roll my eyes.

"Yea okay" I reply unconvinced as I stare out the window.

"I don't" she grumbles as she pouts beside me while I grab my earbuds and drown her out for the rest of the drive.


We're paired off in triples for the rooms so Zay, Lucas, and Farkle get one room while me, Riley, and Smackle get another. We're a few doors apart with a few of our random classmates filling in the space between us. "When are we allowed to go to the pool?" Smackle asks as she sets her bag down on the bed beside the one that I'll most likely share with Riley. There was a pull out couch but Riley's slept over so much it's not like I mind sharing a bed with her.

"Never" I mumble as I plop down onto the bed. "I'll be here with the cable" I add as I grab the remote and turn on the television.

"No you won't" Riley says sternly as she grabs the remote from my hand and switches it off. "The waterpark closes at nine and it's only three. We have plenty of time to go swimming."

"Or plenty of time for a nap" I argue as I try to reach back for the remote but Riley keeps it just out of my reach making me moan in annoyance.

"Get dressed" she says assertively as she grabs her bag and heads to the bathroom. I sigh and climb off the bed, grab my own bag and start to get dressed.


"No" Mr. Matthews exclaims when he sees me in my dark red bikini with my hair tied back in a high ponytail.

"What?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest. I don't realize my mistake until my classmate's eyes bug out of their heads at me since I was practically giving my boobs a lift to better their view. I quickly uncross my arms and place my hands on my hips instead.

"There was a no bikini rule" he points out making me roll my eyes.

"Calm down Matthews. You act like I'm Riley" I add dismissively as I brush past him and walk into the waterpark. Humidity and the familiar smell of chlorine hit me the second I pull the door open as my classmates file in behind me. I look around at my friends who all head for a table in the corner where we kick off our shoes and Smackle places her glasses. I notice out of the corner of my eye that Lucas is not so subtly checking out Riley though my best friend couldn't be more oblivious.

"Smackle" I hit my friend's arm to get her attention. "You do see Lucas right now right?" I ask as a smile pulls at her lips and she laughs.

"He's in love with her" she shrugs. "They'll figure it out eventually. You ready to go?"

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