Secret Admirer

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A/N: The most requested one shot idea for this book was the classic secret admirer idea so without further ado I give you what you've all been waiting for

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Summer was the best time of the year. No school meant no stress and after my long junior year I was ready for a summer of sun and fun.

Of course, Gabe has other ideas. Every couple of days I wake up to a text or a gift from someone named Gabe. I have no idea who he is on account of there being no guy in our group named Gabe but he seemed to know everything about me.

Today for instance I had woken up in Riley's bed after our sleepover last night and upon walking down to the kitchen I found a box with my name on it outside her door.

I had taken the box back into Riley's room and woke her up immediately, insisting she open the box with me. I had no idea what to expect but a brand new swimsuit certainly wasn't even in my list of guesses.

It was a red one piece that had a tasteful plunging neckline and enough material to actually cover my ass.

The note attached insisted that I wear the bathing suit to the group's outing at the lake today which led me to believe that he was here yet three hours into our day he still hasn't shown.

"Hey gorgeous" Josh greets me as he takes a seat beside me in the pier.

"Hey" I murmur, staring out at the lake shimmering before us.

He bumps his shoulder against mine, quirking an eyebrow at me. "What's wrong?"

I sigh, reaching my hands out behind me. "It's stupid" I insist, shaking my head. "Just me getting my hopes up."

"Oh? What were you hoping for?" he asks curiously.

"It doesn't matter Josh" I argue. "If I told you it would just prove that I really am the naïve little girl you think I am."

Josh scoots closer to me, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him. "Is that what you think?" he asks softly. "Do you really think that I still think of you that way?"

I scoff. "Why else would you have called off our someday?" I ask angrily.

At the beginning of this school year Josh had sat me down and told me about this girl, Leah, in his Chemistry class. He liked her and though he didn't need it he wanted my blessing to put the brakes on someday and start dating Leah. I gave my blessing of course though it killed me inside.

"Maya it had nothing to do with you. It was a fling and I didn't call off someday, I just-I wanted to know you were okay with dating other people in the meantime."

I roll my eyes. "Isn't that sort of what 'you live your life, I'll live mine' meant?" I ask confusedly.

He shrugs. "I guess. I just-I never could stand the thought of another guy with you."

I laugh. "Yea? How do you think I felt? God! Why do I let guys treat me this way?" I exclaim as I sit up and bury my head in my hands.

Josh wraps his arm around me. "I'm sorry I hurt you Maya. I'm so, so sorry."

I scoff, shrugging out of his embrace and standing up. "You should be sorry" I exclaim angrily. "You are such a hipocrite! You're allowed to date a million other girls but the thought of me being with someone-." I pause as all the puzzle pieces come together before my eyes. "Y-you're Gabe. You made up a secret admirer to keep me from dating someone else! You made sure that you got all my attention-."

"Maya listen to me" he interjects. "I am your secret admirer but-." He tries as he walks towards me.

"No! How could you play with my emotions like this?" I exclaim as I try to back away from him.

"Maya I swear if you just let me explain-."

"Explain what?" I challenge. "I thought you cared about me."

"I do care" he argues as he steps towards me again. I take another step back but I misstep and fall into the lake. "Maya!" he shouts from above me but his voice is fading fast as the undertow tries to sweep me away.

My eyes flutter shut at the exact moment I feel his arms wrap around me, pulling me up.

When I land on the deck I can feel him hovering over me but my eyes remain closed. "Maya. Maya please wake up" he begs, reaching out to brush my hair out off my face.

He sighs, reaching down for my wrist and pressing his fingers against my pulse point. "Josh you can see me breathing" I murmur, laughing softly to myself.

He chuckles. "I know but-."

I open my eyes and his are waiting for me when I do. I smile, reaching up and caressing his cheek. "Thanks."

"For what? Saving you? Do you think I'd let you drown? I know you can't swim very well."

"You seem to know a lot about me" I reply softly. He shrugs.

"Just the important stuff" he argues. "Maya, I really am sorry for making you feel like I wanted to end things between us but that couldn't be further from the truth. I became your secret admirer because I was too scared to finally admit to you that I wanted more. I'm ready to put an end to someday for real now. I want to be your boyfriend."

I stare up at him in awe, my words caught in my throat. This was all I wanted for so long and now he wanted it too. "I-."

"You don't have to say anything yet. I know you probably have a lot to think ab-."

I cut him off by reaching up and pressing my lips to his in a gentle kiss. He chuckles as we pull apart. "That was a nice surprise."

I smile, nodding in agreement. "I want to be with you Josh" I confess, "but we can't have anymore secrets."

"I understand" he nods. "No more admiring from afar."

I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Good because I kinda like you admiring me up close" I smirk before reaching up for another kiss.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now