Waiting for Love

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Josh's POV

Going out on a Tuesday night was the last thing I wanted to be doing but unfortunately I had little to no choice in the matter since it was my anniversary with Stella. We had been officially going out for six months today...six exhausting months.

"Six months huh?" Andrew teases while I'm slipping on my shoes and I roll my eyes. Most of my friends had lost their virginities a couple years ago back when we were freshman while I had held onto mine because I wanted it to mean something and not just waste it on some random girl at a party.

When I started dating Stella my friends were all sure that she was going to be the one I'd finally lose it to and I've been able to brush off their insistence for months but now that we were past the six month mark I knew it was almost sort of expected of me. Sometimes being a guy sucked.

"Shut it" I reply, standing up and reaching for my wallet on my nightstand. He laughs, putting his hands up in surrender.

"I'm just saying" he replies. "Make sure you're careful. You still got that condom in your wallet right?" he asks and I groan.

My brother had given me an entire box of condoms when I started college to prevent me from repeating the family tradition of getting a girl pregnant in college and while I thought it was ridiculous I did put one in my wallet and I've had it ever since.

"I gotta go" I snip, walking towards the door. "Later man" I add before slipping out of the room and heading down the hall to my girlfriend's room.

I knock on her door and she pulls it open causing my eyes to widen when I take in her attire. She's wearing a tight red dress that barely covers her backside and she paired it with a pair of black stilettos. She smiles brightly, leaning against the doorframe. "Hey baby."

"Uh hey Stel" I reply awkwardly. "Ready to go?" I ask softly, clearing my throat.

"Mhm" she hums, closing her door behind herself and taking my hand as we head down to my car. She can barely climb in because her dress is so tight but soon enough she wiggles her way in and I shut the door behind her, walking to climb in beside her. "So, where are we going?" she asks curiously.

"To dinner" I reply brightly but she sighs, smoothing out her dress.

"There isn't anything else you'd like to do tonight?" she asks and I stare at her blankly. What did she expect? A hotel suite?

"Um no" I reply slowly, putting the car in drive and pulling out of thr parking lot. "It'll be great" I add positively. She rolls her eyes and turns her attention outside her window while I try to keep my composure.

It doesn't take long until I'm pulling into the Applebee's parking lot and Stella laughs. "Forreal babe?" she asks and I quirk an eyebrow at her in confusion as I open my door and hop out. She begrudgingly follows after me and we walk inside.

The restaurant is busy and the hostess is nowhere to be seen. "Classy" Stella murmurs but I chose to ignore her as a girl rushes towards us wearing the standard uniform of the restaurant, black pants and shirt but somehow it looks kinda hot on her. Her hair is in a high ponytail and there are bags under her eyes letting on that the poor girl is exhausted.

"Hi" she breathes out. "Table for two?" she asks.

"Please" Stella snips, judgmentally looking the girl up and down. "A booth is preferable."

The girl looks towards me and smiles. "Of course." She grabs our menus and I glance around the restaurant and guilt seeps in when I relaize the booth in her section has yet to be cleared and I doubt the young woman has any idea.

"Actually any table is fine" I interject. The girl looks at me and I take the chance to look at her name tag. Maya.

"Oh" she replies.

"Joshua" Stella scolds but I ignore her and continue.

"Any table you have open is fine" I assure her and she offers me a soft smile as she leads us to a high top in the bar area.

"I'll be back to take your order" she says before disappearing.

"Really Josh? Because a high-top table screams romance" Stella snips, rolling her eyes.

I ignore her and watch as Maya flits around the tables, checking on the customers and my blood boils when I see a manager walk past her and place his hand on her backside. "Josh" Stella snaps.

"What?" I ask impatiently. She scoffs, shaking her head.


I look around the restaurant and search for another server but after a few minutes it hits me. This poor girl is working the dinner rush alone...unless you count the manager who is talking up table after table while sneaking inappropriate glances at his employee.

"God is she ever coming back?" Stella complains. "I could really use some alcohol."

I stare at her in disbelief. "That girl is all alone out here. She'll get here when she gets here" I snip and Stella rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. She is so not getting a tip."

~ 🍽💛🍽 ~

The date doesn't end fast enough and by the end of the night I find myself breaking things off as I walk her to her dorm. She gets pissed off and slams her door on me but I don't care. I have better things to do.

I park my car outside Applebee's and climb out, leaning against the door while I wait for the blonde to leave.

When she walks out with her manager I suddenly feel protective, especially when he starts asking her out for drinks. "Hey babe" I interject, walking towards her.

Her eyes widen when she sees me. I know she remembers me from tonight and she's probably beyond confused by my behavior. "H-hi" she stutters.

"You have a boyfriend?" her manager demands and I nod, grabbing her hand.

"She does. So uh you can go now" I snip. The man grumbles as he walks off and Maya turns towards me in confusion as he peels out of the parking lot.

"What are you doing here?" she asks confusedly and I smile, reaching into my pocket.

"Your tip. My ex was being a bitch" I explain, handing her a fifty dollar bill.

"T-this is more than your bill even costed" she gapes and I shrug.

"You deserve it. You kicked ass tonight" I smile. Her eyes tear up and before I know it she reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck.

"Thank you" she cries.

"Your welcome Maya" I reply. She pulls away and laughs.

"How did you know my name?"

"Your name tag" I explain. "I had to know who the gorgeous waitress was."

"Well thank you. Really."

"No thanks needed. I'm Josh by the way."

"And that girl you were with?"

"History" I reply causing her smile to widen as I step towards her and encircle her in my arms. "Let me take you out this weekend" I beg.

She laughs. "You're insane you realize that?"

"Maybe but this just feels right" I reply and she smiles, nodding her head.

"I know exactly what you mean" she murmurs, reaching up to kiss me.

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