A Risque Assignment

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Josh's POV

"I'm sorry, you're doing what in art class?" I ask, gaping at my fiancée whi was sitting across from my at dinner.

Maya was an art major, one of the most incredible drawers and painters I'd ever met and I was incredibly proud of her but her assignments evoked a variety of reactions from me.

Like this one...this one made me insecure as hell.

"The guy is modeling Josh. Not taking each of us for a spin" she laughs, reaching for her glass of wine and taking a short sip.

"Still" I sigh, leaning back in my seat. "I don't like the idea of you staring-no studying some other guy's body."

"Babe it's for an assignment" she giggles.

"Drawing a guy's dick shouldn't be an assignment" I argue.

"Joshua" she blushes, dropping her fork. "That is not the point of the assignment. The point is to appreciate the human form and see the different ways in which it can be interpreted in art."

It does sound legit but that doesn't change the fact that for an hour a day my fiancée is staring at a naked man who is not me. "I still don't like it" I state simply.

"Would it help if I told you that he doesn't uh measure up" she says as a light blush rises on her cheeks and a shy smirk pulls at her lips.

"No" I laugh. "Because you shouldn't be able to compare me because I'm the only man you've been with."

"Josh" she sighs, standing up and moving towards me. I move my seat back and allow her to sit on my lap. "It. Is. An. Assignment" she says pointedly as she takes my face between her hands.

"So you feel nothing while drawing him?"

"I feel like I'd rather be here not drawing you" she smirks, trailing her hand down my chest.

"Oh yea? What would you rather be doing?" I ask innocently.

She smirks, climbing off my lap and holding out her hand for me to take. "Come with me and I'll show you."

I waste no time in taking her hand.

~ 🖌🎨🖌 ~

"What are you working on?" I ask, drying my hair as I walk into our bedroom and find Maya on the bed shading something.

"My drawing" she replies. "Shading has to be done for class tomorrow."


"You know" she says, looking up at me. "You could come and look at it."

"No thanks" I reply, climbing into bed beside her. "I'd rather watch Titanic and watch Jack draw Rose."

"I could draw you" she suggests.

I quirk an eyebrow at her. "Forreal?"

"Yes forreal" she laughs. "It'll just be a little hard."

"Well I'll he looking at you" I reply teasingly.

"Josh" she laughs, throwing a pencil at me. "I meant it will be difficult."

"Why?" I question. "How is drawing a stanger easier than drawing me?"

"Because I'm not emotionally attached to him" she explains. "I want to get a good grade but after that this picture means nothing. Rose wanted Jack to draw her because she wanted to show that she wasn't a porcelain doll. Drawing you would have a reason, emotion, behind it."

I stare at her, listening to her passionate explanation and I'm once again in awe over my fiancée. "What?" she laughs uncomfortably.

"I love it when you talk art to me" I reply making her giggle.

"Well I'm glad I impress you."

"You do" I confirm. "I really am proud of you Maya."

She smiles softly, leaning forward and pecking my lips. "Even if I have to draw naked guys?" she asks as we pull apart.

I chuckle, nodding my head. "Even then" I confirm, leaning back in for another kiss.

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