Passing Time

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Maya's POV

Fifteen years, it seemed impossible that time had flown by so quickly but alas, it had. We were eighth graders when we buried our time capsule and like our family before us, we had made a pact to open it in fifteen years. 

Which was today. 

"I don't remember it being this hot when we buried this thing." Farkle complains, leaning on his shovel while Riley and Lucas continue to dutifully dig beside us. He had a point, it was unseasonably warm for early fall here in New York. Usually the leaves were falling as well as the temperatures but today it was a sweltering seventy-two degrees outside. 

I shrug. What could I say? I don't control the weather. "You know" Lucas interjects, stopping for a second to berate us. "We wouldn't have to be out here so long if the two of you would just help."

I share a look with Farkle. "Nah." We reply in unison. Lucas rolls his eyes and returns to digging while I start towards our other two friends, Zay and Smackle. They didn't want any part in digging since they hadn't been around for the capsule and thus had little care to participate in our excavation. 

"You know, you could tell them the real reason you won't dig" Zay points out as I take a seat beside him, much like his first day at Abigail Adams. I shoot him a glare. 

I had been dumb enough to open my mouth on the drive here and tell Zay that after years of insisting that Josh and I were done having kids, I was expecting surprise baby number four with my loving husband of seven years. 

Our first having been our biggest surprise as I fell pregnant with her during my freshman year of college; perhaps communal living wasn't the best idea. But, we had kicked parenting ass and by the time Josh was graduated we were engaged and the same year I graduated we walked down the aisle and got pregnant with our second, our son, Cody.

Our third, and what was supposed to be our last, was planned. Our son, Landon. But of course, we still can't keep our hands off each other and after an unplanned night of passion we were gifted with another little life. 

"Or you could shut up" I snip, grabbing a bottle of water out of the cooler at my side and taking a long swig. My phone starts to ring as I put down my bottle and Josh's contact name lights up my screen. "I gotta take this" I tell no one in particular as I stand up and walk a ways away from the group. "Hey baby."

"Gorgeous" he replies making my cheeks flush. "How's the dig? I'm to assume that you're behaving, yes?"

I roll my eyes. Josh was the most overprotective man you'll ever meet and it only ever got worse when I was pregnant. "I promise I haven't moved even the slightest pebble" I reassure him. 

He laughs. "Good. It's probably best to keep up appearances." I'd flip him off if he could see me, him and his smart mouth. It's a wonder I keep him around.

"Haha" I reply dryly. "You think you're hilarious, don't you?"

"Oh baby, I don't think it. I know it." I roll my eyes. "But I haven't called just to tease you. I wanted to know if you wanted me to make your dinner fresh when you get home or if you just want me to make everything and warm yours up later."

Okay, maybe it's not a wonder at all why I keep him around. "Whatever's easiest for you babe."

"We found it!" My friends exclaim, dropping their shovels and holding out an old, worn shoe box. 

I smile. "Hey-."

"You gotta go. I know. Enjoy your walk down memory lane. I'll be at home waiting. I love you."

I bite my bottom lip, overcome, as always, with the love that I posses for him. I swear I fall more in love with him every single day. "I love you too. See you later baby." And then, I hang up the phone and return to my group. 

"That's it?" Smackle asks, staring at the unimpressive box. "I was expecting some big, metal capsule."

"We were fifteen" I point out with a chuckle as Riley slowly lifts the lid. Inside is some dirt collected from years underground but beneath the filth is everything we buried. 

Starting with Farkle's turtleneck. He pulls it out carefully, gently cradling the fabric in his palms. "Is that the turtleneck you used to wear?" Smackle asks, probably remembering it from one of their many showdowns that they used to have in middle school. 

"Yep" he replies proudly, allowing it to unfurl. "There was a time when someone used this turtleneck to make me feel bad about myself, but luckily I had friends that reminded me of the value of being true to yourself. Friends that stuck by my side then and have stuck around for fifteen years."

We all share a loving gaze, proud to have made it so long together but none of us surprised. 

Lucas pulls out his transfer slip. The ink has almost worn off, barely legible but the smile on Lucas' face says it all.  "Who would've thought that transferring to Abigail Adams would lead me here?" He asks, "to my friends, to my wife." He puts his arm around Riley and kisses the top of her head. "It was and still is, the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Riley grabs Pluto with a chuckle. "My dear Pluto. I still haven't given up on you."

We all offer her a warm smile. Our Riley didn't give up on anything, ever. 

Finally, it's my turn. "This is it" Lucas announces. "The moment we finally find out what you buried." I smile, taking a small step forward and looking down into the box, remembering exactly what I put inside and the words I said. 

I stare at the picture of my mother and Shawn on my fifteenth birthday, worn at the edges but still crystal clear. "Is that-?"

"My mom and dad." I look up to see that I have their attention wholly and completely. I clear my throat. "When I buried this, it seemed impossible that somehow my dream of a family would come true. But, I buried this anyway." I tap the photo against the palm of my hand. "I thought hope was for suckers and I guess, deep down, I thought that maybe when we opened this thing that I would be proven wrong." 

I think back on my life. On Shawn and my mother's wedding day, on the day that I became a Hunter, the day I became Josh's girlfriend and then his fiancee until finally I became his wife. 

Each time I found out I was pregnant and subsequently brought each and every one of my perfect children into the world. 

"Hope isn't for suckers." I say finally, lifting my head to look at my friends; the people who became my family. 

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