The Distance Between Us

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Josh's POV

"Hey family" I exclaim as I wander into the loft, tossing my laundry beside the door.

"Josh" Topanga gasps, her eyes widening in the process. "Wh-what are you doing here?" she stutters causing me to furrow my eyebrows at her in confusion.

"What do you mean? I always come over to do my laundry" I reply, staring at her as if she's lost her mind.

"No I know but-."

"Okay" Riley smiles as she steps down the stairs. "What do you think?" she asks her parents but as soon as her eyes land on mine her mouth drops open. "J-Josh what are you doing here?"

I stand there speechless while I take in her attire, she was dressed in a floor length gown that waltzed across the floor, the deep purple looking absolutely stunning wrapped around her figure.

"I-is tonight prom?" I ask, looking towards my brother. How could he not tell me about this? Did Maya have a date?

"Where's Maya?" I ask, my tone more of a demand than a question.

"Josh" Cory starts but Riley cuts him off.

"She's finishing getting ready" she explains. "She doesn't have a date" she adds allowing some of the oxygen to return to my lungs.

"I'll be back" I reply simply before brushing past them and heading up to Riley's bedroom. 

"Ugh" she groans as I push open the door to find her struggling with her zipper.

"Hey gorgeous" I greet her. Her eyes widen as she spins around to face me.

"Josh! What are you doing here?"

I chuckle as I walk towards her. "Why does everyone keep asking that? This is where I do my laundry every weekend."

She blushes and attempts to conceal a soft smile. "Right" she concedes. "Well since you're here" she adds as she turns so her back is to me. "Can you zip me up?"

I nod and step towards her, grabbing the zipper and slowly tugging it upwards. "You look stunning by the way. I'd simply call you gorgeous like I always do but you look" I trail off as I finish zipping the dress and she turns to face me.

"It's just a dress Josh" she argues but I shake my head as I reach out to caress her cheek.

"No it's not. You've grown so much in the past couple years and you don't even see it."

She blushes, averting her eyes towards the ground. "Not grown enough to be with you though."

I lift her chin and smile. "Maybe I just didn't want to make you commit to a long distance relationship right off the bat."

She laughs. "NYU isn't that far."

"Still" I shrug. "I want to be able to be with you all the time when we're together."

"When?" she asks teasingly.

"Yes when" I confirm. "You're mine Maya. Maybe not officially but you have me."

"In that case" she smirks. "Screw the distance" she says before reaching up and pressing her lips to mine.

I kiss her back, wrapping my arms around her waist as I pull her closer and she smiles into the kiss before reluctantly pulling away. "I'm all yours Josh. Officially...if that's something you want."

"You sure you wanna date a college guy? My schedule sucks and I have finals coming up-."

She cuts me off by pressing another soft kiss to my lips. "I'm sure. Stop trying to talk me out of this Joshua."

I chuckle, tightening my grip around her waist. "You have fun tonight okay?"

"I will" she confirms. "On one condition."


She smirks, "wait up for me."

With that she gives me one last kiss and waltzes out of the room leaving me stunned in place.

"Josh come down here for pictures" Topanga shouts up the stairs.

I smile, turning on my heels to head downstairs to take pictures with my girlfriend.

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