Moving On

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A/N: Hello Again. 

I thought about publishing this update without explaining my absence over these long months but thinking of all the comments and messages I've received, wondering what's been going on, I've decided to give you all a small glimpse into my horrible last year. 

Before quarantine, there were small things that kept me from writing periodically but nothing like the things that happened to make me take my longest Wattpad hiatus ever. 

Quarantine kicked my ass. And frankly, I didn't feel like doing much more than sitting on my couch and spending time with my family. And after quarantine ended, I went back to work and was promoted into a full-time, forty hour a week position which I love but has certainly left me no time to write. 

On top of that, my family has been going through a lot medically speaking and the emotional toll that takes on a person is unbelievable and exhausting. So, I'm sorry I've been gone and I can't promise my return will entail TONS of updates but I'll certainly try to jump on here more often. 

Just know, through all of the last year, I read every message that was sent to me and saw every comment and vote. 

I love you lovelies, and Happy New Year <3


Josh's POV

I can't remember what drink I'm on. The guys keep handing me cups as soon as mine empties and I haven't thought to question it until now as the room spins around me.

Usually, I'm pretty good with my liquor, knowing my limits so that I don't end up passed out with a terrible hangover the next morning but tonight, I suppose I haven't had the same restraint.

Getting broken up with the eve of a new year will do that to a person.

I can see her from where I stand in the backyard of the frat house, the winter wind whipping around me but not causing even the slightest of chills in my drunken state. She's leaned up against some guy on the swim team, Chad is his name if I'm remembering correctly, I wonder if they've already been talking before today, if he's the reason I'm nursing a broken heart with a few too many beers.

She had been insistent that the break-up was nothing to do with me, that she just wanted to go into the new year unattached but seeing her now, placing her hand on Chad's bicep as she throws her head back in's clear that the break-up most certainly had everything to do with me.

"Hey, pro tip." I look over my shoulder to see a blurry version of my best friend Andrew as he suddenly appears at my side. "Don't stare at the girl that just dumped your ass when there are plenty chicks here that would love to make you forget all about her."

I roll my eyes, tipping my drink back and finishing it off before tossing it somewhere in the grass. Lucky for me, this isn't my frat, so I won't be one of the initiates forced into clean-up duty in the morning. "I don't care how drunk I am." I hesitate as the alcohol in my system threatens to spill out, taking a deep breath before I continue. "I'm not ready to move on from Cherry."

Andrew's eyebrows lift in amusement, a chuckle falling from his lips. "Sheri, you mean." His chuckles escalate into full boisterous laughs. "Man, how wasted are you?"

I shrug, ready to turn away from him to find another drink when I quite literally run into someone. "Shit. Seriously?" The girl groans as her eyes fall to the mess I've caused. Her white shirt sheer from the spilled contents of her drink making it impossible now not to see the black, polka dotted bra underneath and the swell of her breasts left uncovered. But even drunk off my ass, I manage to rip my eyes away from her chest to regain eye contact.

"I-uh. Sorry." I reply lamely. The blonde scoffs, staring at her shirt before finally bringing her eyes to meet mine and when she does, I lose my breath.

Her piercing blue eyes are clouded over with anger definitely due to my drunken stumble into her, but I can't find myself to care that I've made her upset because it's led to her standing here, seemingly waiting for me to say something else. Not that I know what to say. I've already apologized. What else is she looking for?

"W-would you uh, like me to get you another drink?" I offer when the silence stretches on far too long to be considered comfortable.

She folds her arms across her chest and shrugs with nonchalance. "I suppose so. But first, perhaps you'd be willing to let me borrow your know, so that I don't have to continue to freeze."

A metaphorical lightbulb goes off in my head, realizing that obviously it being December in New York, it's quite literally freezing out here and I've just soaked this poor, unsuspecting girl's shirt in beer. The least I can do is offer her some warmth. Clearing my throat and giving a slight nod in agreement, I pull my hoodie over my head and hand it over to her.

Quickly, she yanks it over her head and shoves her hands into the sleeves but hilariously, it's way too big on her. She has to push the sleeves up to reveal her hands and the hoodie itself falls almost to her knees because she's so short. I think of Sheri and how she'd always steal my hoodies but with how tall she was, they'd almost fit her as well as they fit me; there was nothing cute about it but staring at this girl in my hoodie-.

I swallow past the lump that's formed in my throat. "Better?"

She hums, hugging her arms to her chest as she revels in warmth meanwhile, I'm suddenly freezing. "Perhaps we should go inside. Get you that drink" I suggest. She nods and together, we start towards the house, but just before we're able to make it inside, I see Sheri out of the corner of my eye, her gaze set intently on the girl at my side. A smirk finds its way onto my lips, the obvious jealousy that I stupidly felt earlier today apparent now on her end. I decide to play into it, show her what she'll be missing.

"C'mon." I murmur to the girl at my side, placing my hand on the small of her back as I lead her inside knowing Sheri is absolutely fuming seeing my hands on another girl. Too bad I could care less. "What're you drinking?" I ask when we finally walk through the sliding glass doors into the kitchen where the drinks are still flowing.

"Beer. What else is there in this house?" She questions with a chuckle as my hand leaves her back. Her eyes follow the motion and embarrassingly for her, I catch her gaze.

A small blush rises on her cheeks. "That girl out there," she juts her chin towards the backyard for emphasis, "your girlfriend?"

I scoff, shaking my head as I step over a guy passed out on the floor to make my way to the keg. "She was. Until she dumped me this morning." The girl, whose name I still don't know, nods with her lips pursed seemingly lost in thought.

I pour her drink and make my way back to her, "why do you ask?" I wonder out loud, handing her the replacement to the drink I spilled before.

"She just seemed jealous is perhaps she's not quite as over you as she'd like to be."

I think back on this morning when Sheri told me we were over, how heartbroken I'd felt up until the moment I quite literally ran into this mysterious, gorgeous girl. And how now, I can't remember why I was so upset. Sure, our relationship was alright. The sex was good, but I always knew we weren't forever so what was the point in sulking when I could do exactly what Andrew had earlier suggested.

"What's your name?" I ask abruptly as she lifts her cup to her mouth. A small smile tugs at her pink, perfectly lined lips.

"Maya." She reveals without protestation.

"Josh" I offer without being asked.

"It's nice to meet you Josh." She smiles, lowering her cup as the countdown begins around us. Taking a step towards her, I take her cup and place it on the countertop beside us.

"It's nice to meet you too." I murmur, encircling her small waist as I close the distance between us. "Perhaps we should spend this new year getting to know each other a bit better." I suggest boldly, clearly taking her by surprise as her eyes go wide if only for a moment. She composes herself however just as fast as her composure was lost.

"Perhaps we should" she agrees, swallowing hard as the countdown gets closer to one and finally when the numbers dwindle down and shouts of the new year ring out, I lean forward and capture her lips with mine; an entire year of possibilities ahead of us. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now