Laundry Day

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Maya's POV

I'm lying on my bed in my dorm room working on my homework while my roommate Sarah is jamming out to Shawn Mendes' new album. She's singing Mercy at the top of her lungs and I can't help but laugh as I watch her. I'm attempting to revise my English essay but she's way too distracting. I grab my pencil and throw it at her. It lands on her arm causing her to look over at me in disbelief. 

"Maya" she exclaims laughing as she looks at me. 

"You're so loud. I get it you love Shawn. But my English professor isn't going to listen to my excuses about why I couldn't focus on my homework."

"Maya it's Friday, your paper is due on Monday. Chill" I sigh shutting my laptop as I sit up. She was right. I knew she was but I just really wanted to get this paper done. Unfortunately I wasn't in the mood to write anymore. I look around the room and notice my huge pile of laundry sitting on the floor. 

"Hey I think I'm gonna do a laundry run" I announce as I hop off my bed grabbing my hamper. 

"Okay have fun" Sarah says before turning her attention back to Shawn. I laugh as I walk out of our dorm towards the laundry room. 

I arrive a few minutes later. The room is totally empty so I take the opportunity to turn on the radio sitting on the table in the corner. Shawn Mendes blares and I can't suppress my laughter as I load my laundry into the machines. I hop up onto the washer and open my art history book. I'm in the middle of a chapter on Van Gough when I hear someone walk into the room. I look up and drop my book to the floor as I lock eyes with the gorgeous guy standing in front of me. 

"Maya" the boy says in disbelief dropping his hamper onto the ground. 

"Josh" I say, the name feeling weird on my lips after all these years. 

"I didn't know you went here" Josh says rubbing his neck nervously. 

"I didn't know you still went here. I thought you graduated." 

"I uh. Had to extend my schooling. Another year after this one." 

"Oh" I say awkwardly. Josh picks up his hamper and walks over to me picking up my book before handing it to me. 

"Art history huh. Art major?" he asks as he loads his clothes into the machines next to me. 

"Uh yea."

"I'd like to say I'm surprised but" he trails off smiling up at me. 

"How have you been Josh?" I ask seriously. "I mean it's not like you call."

"I've been good. I'm sorry I haven't called, I've just been busy."

"With her?" I ask looking down at the ground avoiding his gaze. 

"Maya please don't start" he pleads as he takes a seat on the ground in front of me. 

"Start what? I was just asking" I respond feigning innocence. "Riley tells me the two of you are pretty serious. That you're thinking of proposing." 

"Ha. My family would love that no doubt" he says shaking his head looking down at the ground. 

"What do you mean Josh?" I ask confused as the buzzer on the washer goes off. I jump off the machine and move my laundry into the dryer before leaning up against it. 

"My parents. They're the ones who introduced us. Her parents are old friends. It's like Romeo and Juliet in reverse. Our parents love each other and we hate each other." 

"What?" I ask shocked by his confession. 

"She's been hooking up with some other guy for months. She thinks I don't know but I'm not an idiot. I won't touch her so she gets what she's missing from someone else."

"I'm so sorry Josh" I say as I move to take a seat next to him.  

"It's not your fault" he says seriously.  "How have you been?" he asks looking at me seriously.

"Okay. Lonely" I admit sadly. 

"I know having Riley so far away must suck." 

"Yea. I have my friend Sarah but it's not the same. I miss her" I say as a tear runs down my face as I hug my knees to my chest. 

"Come here" Josh says pulling me into his arms. I cry into his shoulder letting myself cry out all the tears I've been holding in for months. "I missed you Maya" Josh mutters as he strokes my hair gently. His laundry buzzes taking us out of the moment. I loosen my grip on him about to let him walk away but this was fate. I wasn't letting him go again that easy. 

"Josh" I exclaim pulling him back down to me crashing my lips against his. For a second I regret my decision worried that he's going to pull away in disgust and anger but he doesn't. Instead he angles his body towards mine deepening the kiss as he slides his hand behind my neck. I grab his waist pulling him closer loosing my balance and landing on my back. Josh positions himself on top of me kissing me harder until suddenly I remember where we are. "Stop" I whisper against his lips pushing him away gently. "Stop" I repeat and at this he breaks away from me standing up. 

"I'm sorry" he says rubbing the back of his neck again. 

"Don't be" I insist as I stand up to join him. "I kissed you. I missed you so much Josh."

"I missed you too. Look why don't I take you out sometime. Do you still like tacos?" he asks and I can't help but smile. 

"Yes Josh. I still like tacos. I even still have my bobble-head" I laugh. "But Josh. You gotta break up with her." 

"I know. I will and the second I do you and me are going out for tacos."

"Good because I'm starving" I laugh as Josh unloads his laundry. 

"I'll see you later gorgeous" he says before placing one last sweet kiss on my lips. As Josh walks away I can't help but be happy that I decided to do my laundry tonight.

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