I Love...Secret Santa

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A/N: It's a duet! This one shot is two parts and the first half will be told in this book while the other will be told in my other one shot book, The Princess & The Cowboy: A Collection of Rucas One Shots. If you'd like to read both feel free but if not this can of course stand on its own.


Maya's POV

"It's the best time to be a Riley" Riley exclaims as she bursts into Topanga's with Lucas by her side as we shake our heads in amusement. Riley had always loved Christmas and nothing changed. She still dressed all silly and smiled nonstop during the holiday season. We all pretended we thought it was silly but really we all loved her silliness.

"Come on Riles let's get this over with" I say seriously as Josh's arm around me tightens. I knew Riley was excited since we were seniors, meaning this was our last Secret Santa together before we went our seperate ways. Farkle and Smackle to Harvard, Zay to UT, and Josh, Riley, Lucas, and I to NYU.

"I thought you liked Ecret Anta" she replies making me roll my eyes playfully as I think back to freshman year when she had found the loophole to keep me from pinching her.

"We do. It's just that it's late and some of us need sleep" Smackle complains. It was midnight the eve of Christmas Eve, meaning we had exactly 24 hours to find the perfect gift. It was a twist we added sophomore year that we all loved to complain about even though in the end it always turned out great.

"Okay, then let's get started" Riley smiles as she starts passing the hat around. Farkle, Smackle, and Zay all pick their names before it's finally my turn. I stick my hand in the hat and I bite my lip to contain my smile as I pick Josh's name. We had started dating just a few months ago at the end of summer, but I was more than happy that I could get him something for our first Christmas together. Everyone else picks who they'd be buying for and soon enough Riley smiles as she looks around the group.

"Okay everyone. 24 hours. Starts now" she announces making us all jump out of our seats as we head off to shop.


"Okay now that we have Lucas' gift what are you getting for your person?" Riley asks smiling as we continue to shop through the mall. The truth was I didn't know what to get Josh, I didn't want to go overboard but I also wasn't sure just what to get.

"I have no clue" I sigh as we continue to walk through the crowded walkways. Suddenly I spot a store that makes me think of Josh, it has beanies in the window making me smile. I walk in and I watch as it hits Riley that I'm shopping for her uncle.

"Beanies. You got Uncle Josh" she says smirking at me.

"He's not my uncle" I reply playfully making her roll her eyes in amusement as we scour the aisles. I finally find one that I know will no doubt make him smile, since it's exactly the same one he already has. He's been complaining that his was falling apart and that he had no money to replace it, now I could.

"Isn't that the same one he already has?" Riley asks confused making me smile brightly as I walk over to the cash register.

"Yep" I reply happily knowing he's gonna love it.


"Uncle Josh you can go" Riley announces making Josh smile as he grabs the box with his name on it. He opens it carefully, a smile pulling at his lips as his eyes land on the gift.

"A beanie" he exclaims happily. "Maya" he smiles as he looks up at me, "you are the only person who knew I needed a new one."

"Am I?" I ask playfully a grin spreading across my face.

"Thank you gorgeous" he replies sweetly as he leans in to kiss me.

"You're welcome Boing" I tease making him chuckle as we pull apart.

"Peaches, your turn" Riley announces as I grab the gift off the table. I unwrap the gift and my heart swells as I look at the gorgeous piece of jewelry.

"This is gorgeous" I breathe out in shock making Josh smile.

"Just like you."

"Wait Josh did you?" I ask as he nods happily.

"We're all going our separate ways next year and I thought this could keep us close" he says as he takes the charm bracelet out of the box. "The NYU charm is for me, the Texas one is Lucas, the honey pot is Zay, the beaker is Farkle, the brain for Smackle, and a peach for Riley" he says in finality making my heart swell.

"This is perfect Josh. Thank you so much" I smile as I throw my arms around him. "I love you" I add as my eyes go wide. I didn't mean to let that last part slip out but now that I had I pull away from him shocked to see him still smiling, maybe even wider than before.

"I love you too" he says shocking me even more. "Merry Christmas Maya."

"Merry Christmas Josh." 

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