Fixing His Mess

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A Sequel to Making Excuses

Josh's POV

Complicated is a good way to put the current situation. I had ended things with Stella, unable to lie my way out of what she had walked in on and while she was upset, she was kind of...stuck.

Airfare isn't cheap or refundable which meant that she was stuck on my family vacation regardless of our relationship status. And to make matters worse, no one knew we had broken up. We shared a room, her taking the bed while I slept on the floor and when we went on excursions we would act couply as two college kids would be. It was awful.

And of course, Maya had a front row seat to every fake kiss and dutiful hand hold.

"You could go see her" Stella points out, brushing through her hair after her shower. She was wearing a nightie, a thin little thing that I was probably meant to tear off but we were far past that point now.

"Haha." I deadpan, continuing to channel surf. She huffs, standing up and snatching away the remote. "What the hell?" I shout. She shakes her head at me, pointing down the hall.

"You broke up with me!" I stare at her confused. As if I forgot our break-up. She groans, tossing the remote onto the coffee table and grabbing my arm. "You broke up with me for her. And even though you are a complete dumbass who deserves nothing, you somehow won the heart of that girl, who by the way, is way too good for you."

Was she complimenting Maya? "You don't even know her" I point out, stumbling on my feet when she let's me go.

"She came by at the pool on our first day here" she says, taking me by surprise. "She apologized for making a move on you and then she explained someday. Did you know you're a dick? Like the largest dick I've ever met."

I open my mouth to make a dirty remark but she puts her hand up, reading my thoughts. "Josh. You promised her that you'd live your life, let things happen as they may but instead you constructed this in-penetrative life that she couldn't dare intrude upon. You hurt her."

"I-." I pause at a loss. I had royally fucked up and apparently no girl in my life felt the need to hold back in telling me so.

"You want her. You wouldn't have broke up with me if you didn't. So go get her." The pep talk is sweet and honestly the kick in the ass I needed. "And uh...if all goes well" she continues, "maybe bunk with her tonight. There was a hot cabana boy giving me the eyes today."

I chuckle, pulling her in for a hug and I can tell it takes her by surprise but in a second or so her arms wrap around me too. "Go get her."

"Go get yourself laid" I rebuttal earning the middle finger as I walk out of the room and head down the hall to Maya's room.

She answers on my third knock. Her hair was up in a bun and she had a face mask on which was probably the cutest damn thing I've ever seen, her face a bright green color. And she was in her jammies, a pair of plaid shorts and an oversized t-shirt. "Josh."

"Got a second?"

"I suppose" she sighs, moving out of my way and allowing me entry into her room. We hadn't spoken much since the plane and that much was obvious in the awkward silence around us.

"Maya." "Josh." We say at the same time and we both chuckle, shaking our heads at each other in amusement. "I uh, I'm gonna go take this off" she says, referring to her face mask and I nod, watching her go and taking a seat on her bed.

While I wait I think of what I'll say to her...and how to ask if I can stay because Stella is trying to get laid. "So, what brings you to my room?" She asks once she returns, wiping her face with a warm towel.

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