White Christmas

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Requested by: Joshaya_Sabriah

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

Maya's POV

"I told you" Josh laughs as Emma throws a box across the room. Josh and I had been debating what to buy Emma for her first Christmas and he was insistent that we shouldn't spend a fortune because babies only ever care about the packaging. He was right.

We had bought her a new doll and so far she had looked at it, thrown it onto the ground and started playing with the box.

"Yea yea" I laugh as I lean against his side. "You were right."

"Hm? What was that?" he asks playfully as he looks down at me. "I was what?"

"An ass" I chuckle as I lock my gaze onto his before standing up. "Baby girl you wanna help mama in the kitchen?" I ask with a smile as I pick her up, placing her on my hip as I walk her into the kitchen with me. I put her in the highchair before turning around to the fridge.

"You nervous?" Josh asks as he leans down to kiss the top of Emma's head.

"About hosting the holidays for the first time? Of course not" I lie making him chuckle as he looks down at Emma.

"Take this as a lesson Ems. Your mom is a terrible liar."

"Hey" I exclaim as I throw an oven mit at him making him chuckle.

"And abusive" he smirks making me roll my eyes.

"Stop telling our daughter lies" I laugh as I open the fridge and grab an apple. I place it on the counter and start cutting it up into small pieces before giving them to Emma.

"Doll" Emma exclaims after chewing a piece, her arms flailing.

"I got it" Josh smiles as he turns around to get the doll. He hands it to Emma and it immediately falls onto the floor.

"No" she pouts. "Gimmie" she whines as she points to the box on the floor while writhing around in the highchair.

"Oh" Josh smirks. "Maya she wants the box" he says as he bends over to grab the box and hands it to Emma. She immediately calms and I roll my eyes.

"You could act less smug about being right" I point out but he simply shrugs as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"But where would the fun be in that?" he whispers as he kisses my neck.

"Keep that up and we'll end up with another one set of footsteps running around before next Christmas" I whisper making him chuckle as he lets me go.

"Alright kiddo" he smiles as he turns to face Emma. "Let's go get you ready for the party."

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"She's so adorable" my mom gushes as she watches Josh take Emma around the room. I smile in adoration as I nod.

"I would have to agree" I admit.

"I love seeing you both so happy" my mom adds. "We all knew you and Josh would figure things out eventually."

"All we needed was a little hope" I smirk as Josh walks up to us.

"Hey wife" he smiles. "Someone wanted to say hello."

"Hi baby girl" I beam as I take my daughter from my husband's arms. "You enjoying your first Christmas?"

"Snow" she exclaims making me furrow my eyebrows.

"What? Sweetie it's not-." I stop midsentence when I look up and see snow steadily falling from the sky. My mouth drops open as I stand up, positioning her on my hip as I walk towards the window.

About a year after Josh and I got married Shawn got in a terrible accident. He held on for a while but we inevitably lost him. It hadn't snowed on Christmas since.

"It's snowing" I whisper, tears rimming my eyes.

"Snow" Emma squeals making a smile pull at my lips as Josh comes up beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I told you he's always here" Josh whispers and I smile as I look up at him.

"Merry Christmas Josh."

"Merry Christmas Maya" he replies as he leans down for a soft kiss.

"Snow" Emma exclaims making us laugh as we pull apart.

"Yea baby girl. Snow" I smile, knowing that my dad was looking down at us.

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