My Next Boyfriend

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*Inspired By: Next Boyfriend by Lauren Alaina*


Maya's POV

"Please forgive me for staring"

"Another round" Zay exclaims as he hands me a shot. The third one tonight. I stare up at him unamused.

"I'm not drinking that" I laugh as I hand it back to him. "You've already made me do two rounds and I've had a beer. I'm done."

"Honey Nugget you are no fun" he pouts as he downs his shot before downing mine as well. "Be more like Riley" he adds as he motions to my best friend dancing with Lucas in the middle of the club. I roll my eyes.

"Who would I dance with?"

"Honey when your drunk does it matter?" he asks, the seriousness in his voice makes me chuckle as I roll my eyes. "Besides that guy seems plenty interested" he smirks as he motions across the club to a boy leaning against the wall.

The boy is tall, he'd tower over me. He has messy brunette hair and piercing blue eyes. He's dressed casually in a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, black converse and an NYU t-shirt. He went to my school, even I had to admit, that held some possibility.

"Stare a little harder" Zay teases as he nudges me. "Go introduce yourself."

"Ha. Yea right" I laugh. "I'd need about six more shots to get that kind of courage."

"That could be arranged" he smiles as he motions to get the bartender's attention.

"No. Zay I was being overdramatic" I admit as I grab his hand. "No more shots."

"Then go" he insists. "Now" he adds as he pushes me forward. Of course it's my luck, he pushes me right into the attractive stranger.

"Woah careful there gorgeous" the boy smiles.

"I am so sorry" I say quickly. "My uh, my friend" I trail off making him laugh.

"It's okay" he assures me. "You were the girl staring at me weren't you?" he smirks as my face flushes red.

"What good are the dark lights if you can see me?" I ask making him chuckle.

"I wouldn't worry too much" he smiles. "Gorgeous girl like you shouldn't be tucked in the shadows."

"Wow" I laugh. "You use that line a lot?"

"Not a line" he insists.

"Hm" I smirk, "for the record you should definitely use it in the future. It works."

"That mean I can buy you a drink?"

"I'd be offended if you didn't."

"Tell me your name and I'll tell you mine, probably give you my number"

"So what's your name gorgeous?" he asks as he hands me the beer he ordered me. I take a swig before answering.

"Tell me yours first" I insist making him chuckle as he sips his own beer.

"Josh" he smiles. "Joshua actually but uh no one actually calls me that."

"Maya" I inform him. "Just Maya."

"Maya Hunter?" he asks as I nod.

"Mhm. The very one" I admit with a laugh. "How did you know that?"

"I'm a history major" he explains. "I took an art history class. I checked out the student gallery once, saw some of your stuff. You're pretty talented."

"I guess" I shrug.

"You guess?" he scoffs. "Seriously gorgeous. Your stuff is amazing."

"Well maybe I could show you some of my other stuff sometime" I smirk as I take another swig of my beer.

"Oh yea?"

"Mhm" I smile. "I mean you'd have to be interested in my phone number so we could set something up" I add making a smile pull at his lips.

"Gimmie your phone" he insists excitedly as he holds out his hand. I willingly hand over my phone while he hands me his. We exchange numbers and smile.

"You look a lot like my next boyfriend"

"Now you actually gotta use that sometime" he smirks as he looks at me intently.

"We'll see" I smirk as I stand up and grab my beer. "See you around Josh."

"See you around Maya" he adds happily.

"Hey you know what" I add before I get more than three steps away from him. "I think I actually recognize you."

"Really? History isn't that exciting of a major" he laughs making me smile.

"No it's not that" I shrug. "You just look a lot like my next boyfriend" I smirk as his eyes sparkle with amusement.

"That a line?" he asks playfully.

"Did it work?" I question as a smile pulls at my lips.

"Dinner. Tomorrow."

"Pick me up at six" I smirk before finally walking off victorious. 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now