Sneaking Treats

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Maya's POV

Josh coming over to the Matthews' loft had become a weekly routine and tonight was no different. It really wasn't our fault that we ended up breaking our pact to stay apart until I turned eighteen with how often we were thrown together. If any of our family found out and had a problem with it they would really only have themselves to blame. Ever invitation to stay for dinner led to the two of us sneaking up to the roof to be alone and with Riley's help we had never been caught. 

Until that night. 

The night before that night was like any other Friday. Josh was at the Matthews' loft doing his laundry and I was hoisted up on top of the machine while he folded his towels. "I was thinking" he begins and I chuckle. 

"That's scary" I tease. His lips quirk into a smirk as he slaps my thigh with a towel. I yelp and break into a fit of giggles causing his lips to pull into a loving smile as he dives back into what he was saying. 

"I was thinking" he begins again. "That you should come to campus tomorrow night. The dorm is hosting it's annual Halloween party and I'd really love it if you'd be my date."

I quirk an eyebrow at him. "Your date? Matthews did you forget that we're technically supposed to be nothing more than friends for the next three months."

He sighs. "As if I could forget" he replies. "Look, no one from your immediate circle will be there and it's not like i go around broadcasting the fact that you're underage. Hell, we don't even have to act like a couple."

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Then what's the point of going as your date?" I ask confusedly and he smirks as he stops in front of me and wraps his arms around my waist. 

"Well, at the end of the night I can take my date back to my room and we can fool around. If you go as strictly my friend then we have to skip all the fun stuff" he explains and I laugh. He really did come up with the silliest things. 

My fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of his neck and I nod. "Mkay" I concede. "But only because I love you."

His smile widens. "I love you too. And I promise, you won't regret it."


The party was filled to the brim with drunk college students. I had snuck out and walked to the party despite the constant stream of texts I received from my best friend, trying to convince me that the entire thing was a bad idea. Especially on Halloween. A college party was one thing but a college party where everyone would be dressed as someone else could be dangerous. 

I had gone for a simple costume. A maid. It was basic and easy to put a sultry spin on and honestly I felt pretty hot. 

I push my way through the crowd and know that I feel a few lingering touches here and there but I ignore them as I scour the sea of people for my boyfriend. "You come here often?" a slurred voice asks and I whip around to come fact to face with some perverted frat boy dressed unironically as prisoner. 

"Excuse me?" I ask in disbelief. 

He laughs. "A girl fine as you. I'd remember that ass" he comments and my eyes widen. Perhaps Riley was right. This may have been a horrible idea. 

"Luke go home" Josh's voice booms over the music. I look up and relief floods every part of me as his arm snakes protectively around my waist. "You're drunk."

He scoffs. "I'll tell you when I've had enough Matthews." Josh takes his beer out of his hand and slams it onto a nearby table, seething with anger now. 

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