Perfectly Ordinary

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Maya's POV

I walk into the house exhausted from work and of course complete chaos surrounds me as I walk in. There's dolls on the floor, a trail of glitter, and loud voices coming from the living room. I kick off my shoes before I head off to the living room finding Josh and our daughter Emma sitting around her tea party table. I suppress a laugh seeing Josh sitting in the little chair, drinking tea with our daughter and her five favorite stuffed animals.

"Hi babe" I smile as I lean against the wall, staring lovingly at my husband.

"Oh you're home" he says as he looks up at me.

"Yep" I reply as daughter runs over to me.

"Hi mommy" she exclaims as she throws her arms around my legs, her small three year old figure wrapping around me.

"Hey baby girl" I smile as I lift her into my arms. "Did you have a good day with daddy?" I ask curiously.

"Yep, we had a tea party and a glitter parade" she adds making me look over at Josh confused but he only shrugs.

"Okay well why don't you head up to your room and mommy will be up in a second to give you a bath" I say sweetly as I place her back on the ground.

"Okay mommy" she says as she bolts out of the room leaving Josh and I alone.

"How was your day off?" I ask teasingly as Josh stands up, meeting me halfway as his arms snake around my waist.

"Fun, it was nice to spend the day with her" he says seriously. "I missed you though" he smiles as he leans down to kiss me. "How was work?" he asks curiously.

"Okay" I reply smiling, I was an art teacher at Abigail Adams while Josh was a literature professor at NYU.

"You didn't get sick again did you?" he asks worriedly as his eyes lower to my belly. About two weeks ago I found out Josh and I were expecting again and my morning sickness, that never happened in the morning, was awful.

"Nope, I felt good all day" I assure him happily. "Still do" I add with a smirk.

"Oh really?" he asks teasingly, "well why don't we get the little one ready for bed so we can take advantage of it" he whispers against my lips.

"You're awful" I tease as I kiss his lips playfully.

"You love me" he replies making me giggle as Emma waddles to the stairs, her duck towel wrapped around herself.

"Mommy are you coming?" she asks happily.

"Of course baby girl" I smile as I kiss Josh one last time. "Love you" I reply to him before heading upstairs. As I pull my daughter into my arms I realize how lucky I am to have such a perfectly, ordinary life with the person I love more than anything.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now