Back for You

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A/N: This one shot is dedicated to my little sister, who turns fourteen tomorrow. You've been begging me for weeks for this one little sis, I hope you like it! I love you and happy birthday!!!

*Inspired By: Want It by SoMo*


Josh's POV

It's been months. I don't even know if she's going to want to see me but I know I have to try. She's my soulmate, I just hope she remembers that. I make my way to Maya's apartment, I had to basically sell my soul to Riley to get the address but if Maya took me back it would be worth it. I finally make it to the place, apartment 3J. I try to ignore the irony of the combination.

I bring my hand up to knock on the door but before I get a chance the door flies open and I'm face to face with the most gorgeous girl on the planet. "Maya" I say softly but before I get another word out she flies into my arms.

"You're back" she cries into my shoulder. I smile as I hold her to me, knowing that there was no way I was letting her go ever again.

"I'm so sorry Maya" I say softly as I squeeze her petite body against my own.

She lets go of me and shakes her head, wiping her tears. "No" she insists, "I'm sorry" she argues, "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did" she admits.

That would be the way she reacted when I told her I was joining the military the day she graduated high school. She was furious. We had finally reached our someday and I was leaving her. She broke off every promise we ever made to each other that day.

"We both messed up" I admit but she adamantly shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter" she insists as she pulls me inside and closes the door behind us. "I missed you so much" she says softly, "I didn't know if you'd make it back or even if you did, that you would come see me" she rambles. I step forward and press a soft kiss to her lips.

"I'll always come back for you Maya" I say softly caressing her cheek in my hand.

"Good" she replies with a soft smile before pressing her lips to mine again. This time there's more passion and heat behind our lips moving together and we find ourselves stumbling back into her bedroom. She unbuttons my shirt, throwing it to the floor while I grab the back of her thighs and throw her gently back onto the bed. She giggles as she lands, the sound like music to my ears as I climb on top of her, bringing my lips back to her's.

I pop open the button on her jeans before pulling back and looking down at her intently. "Are we really about to do this?" I chuckle.

I've been in love with the girl since I was seventeen years old, it seemed surreal that she was finally mine.

"I really hope so" she breathes out as reaches up to caress my cheek in the palm of her hand. "I love you so much Josh" she whispers.

"I love you too Maya" I reply sweetly, bringing my lips back to her's. We get a few more clothing items off, leaving her in her bra and panties and me in my boxers, hovering above her. I let my gaze linger on her body while her cheeks flush red.

"I've never done this before" she whispers, my gaze flicks up to meet hers, my mouth falling open slightly in shock. "Don't give me that look" she giggles, "I wanted it to be with you" she smiles, making my heart swell.

How the hell did I get lucky enough to call this girl mine?

"It's gonna hurt" I warn her, she nods with a soft smile.

"I know, we'll just go slow" she smiles softly as I nod, bringing my lips back to her's. The rest of our clothes land in various parts of the room and when we connect it's like a puzzle coming together. We fit so perfectly just like I always knew we would. Her chest rises and falls quickly, her legs tangling in the sheets that have pooled at our feet as we move in a steady motion, our hips rolling together and our eyes locked.

When we both finally find our release I fall to the bed beside her, catching my breath as she moves to rest on her side, gazing down at me. "Don't leave me again" she begs softly. My heart breaks, knowing I have to go back despite how much I never, ever want to leave her.

"I'm gonna come back for you Maya" I say softly. "I will never stop coming back for you." 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now