Another Ditch Day

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*Part Two of Skipping Out on the Triangle*


Maya's POV

"Why am I the one trying to convince you to skip on Senior Ditch Day?" Riley asks as she stands in front of my bed with her hands on her hips, looking like my mom on nights I stayed out too late with a certain brunette.

"I've been in enough trouble lately" I reply honestly, "do I really need another reason to piss off my mom?"

As if on cue my phone dings on the bedside table. Riley's eyes shoot over to the small device but I lunge and grab it before she's able to. I glance at the screen and find Josh's contact name lighting the screen.

"It's my uncle isn't it? He skipped on his ditch day" she reminds me making me roll my eyes, ignoring the feelings that the memories of that day stir up inside me. It was the day I realized the triangle was a huge mistake, it was the day my crush on Josh Matthews came back around.

"You are ridiculous" I laugh as I read the text.

BOYFRIEND: I know its ditch day...

"You spilled" I exclaim as Riley shrugs innocently.

"I may have mentioned it."

"You know how pissed my mom is that I'm even seeing him in the allotted time I have for dates, now you want me to skip class to make out with him."

"No. I want you to skip because its ditch day. I just think Josh can convince you better than I can" she smirks causing me to sigh as I glance out my window. It's a beautiful day and honestly it would be a shame to waste it inside.

"I hate you" I sigh as I dial Josh's number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Is there something you would like my gorgeous girlfriend?" Josh asks playfully as our phones connect.

"Mall. Half hour" I explain before hanging up and getting ready to go.


"Do you like reminding me of a time when I thought I'd never date you?" Josh asks playfully as he wraps his arm around my waist as we walk through the aisles of the mall.

"I was in a triangle that never should've existed. You helped me see that. How did you think things were hopeless?" I ask honestly as I glance up at him.

"I don't know" he shrugs, "but I never would've believed someone if they told me that I'd be your boyfriend a year later."

"Well I'm glad that you are" I reply sweetly as I stop us in our tracks, reaching up to press my lips to his. We pull apart reluctantly but we are in the middle of the walkway and we really need to move if we're going to continue our kissing session.

"Come on" he insists as he grabs my hand, leading me down the hallway where the bathrooms are located. He doesn't lead me into any of the bathrooms making my heart rate slow a bit in relief since the last thing I wanted was to have sex with Josh in a bathroom but instead he pushes me against the wall of the hallway and his lips crash against mine once again.

I melt into him, ignoring the gnawing feeling in my stomach that reminds me that people are definitely watching me and Josh with our tongues down one another's throats but I don't care. At least I didn't.

"Maya Penelope Hunter" I hear and suddenly my blood that's pounding in my ears turns ice cold and my heart stops. Shit. I'd know that voice anywhere. It's the voice that belongs to a very pissed off mom.

"Mom" I breathe out as I push Josh back from me. "Um hi."

"Um hi. I find you playing tonsil hockey at a mall instead of school and all you can say is um hi" she exclaims making my cheeks turn red in embarrassment. Well I guess they were already red but the meaning has certainly changed.

"Its ditch day" I argue but she shakes her head.

"I told you that he was a bad influence" she scoffs as my heart drops. Josh was a college guy, that's all my mom could see and after the display she just witnessed I couldn't even blame her.

"Home. Now" she orders and reluctantly I follow her.


"I told you it was a bad idea" I exclaim as I talk into my phone that by some miracle hasn't been revoked.

"I'm sorry" Riley apologizes but I only sigh. I thought I ruined Josh's ditch day all those years ago but that day had nothing on today. Suddenly my phone buzzes, signaling that I have another call and I sigh.

"I gotta go Riles" I say quickly before switching to the other line.

"Ditch days aren't for us" Josh says making me laugh, nodding in agreement.

"I gotta agree with you babe" I reply honestly as I sit up, happy to hear his voice after getting lectured by my mom the whole way home.

"How much trouble are you in?"

"How do you feel about our next date being a year from now? At the earliest?"

"Shit. I'm sorry Maya."

"Its okay" I reply, "let's just be glad we've run out of ditch days."

"Next year we can just skip class like normal college students."

"You really are an awful influence" I tease causing him to laugh.

"Absolutely terrible" he agrees playfully. "I should probably let you go."

"Probably" I agree as I glance at the clock realizing it's already past eleven. "Night Josh."

"Night gorgeous."

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