Skype Date

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Josh's POV

"Dude are you seriously not coming out tonight?" Drew asks annoyed as he leans against the doorway of my dorm room.

"Dude I'm seriously not coming out tonight" I reply as I sit back in my desk chair, my laptop sitting open in front of me waiting for Maya's Skype call.

"Is this about that Maya girl? You finally give into the fact that you love her?" he teases making me roll my eyes.

"Remind me why I'm friends with you" I laugh as my laptop dings and Maya's contact name flashes across the screen.

Drew rolls his eyes and motions to my laptop. "Have a good date" he smiles before walking off down the hallway. I go to close my door, take a deep breath and answer the call making Maya's face appear on my computer screen.

"Boing" she exclaims, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement as she sees me.

"Gorgeous" I greet her happily.

Maya was a sophomore in college but she was abroad this semester studying art in Europe. I was ridiculously proud of her but I missed the hell out of her too.

"How are you?" she asks curiously.

"Keeping it together" I shrug. "It's almost over" I add happily. I graduated at the end of this semester which was in three weeks.

"So is my trip" she reminds me with a smile. "I can't wait to get back and see you" she adds excitedly.

"Oh yea? And why is that?" I tease.

"Hm I don't know" she smirks making me chuckle. The day she left for Europe I had made a promise that I would officially make her my girlfriend the day she got back.

"You don't know" I reply playfully. "Should I remind you?" I ask with a smile.

"Would you please?" she asks sweetly.

"Someday" I reply making a smile pull at her lips as she nods.

"Someday" she smiles in return. "And it might be closer than you think" she adds making me grow confused.

"What are you talking about gorgeous?" I ask confused. Suddenly there's a knock on my door. Seriously! Who was bugging me? I told all my friends I had a Skype date tonight with Maya. "Hold on a sec" I say as I get up and throw open my door.

"Miss me?" Maya asks as my eyes lock on hers on the other side of my doorway, her suitcase trailing behind her.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaim as I stare at her in shock as she hangs up her phone and puts it in her back pocket.

"I may have lied about the day I got back so I could surprise you" she smiles, her blue eyes sparkling even brighter in person.

"Mission accomplished" I laugh as I scoop her up in my arms. "God I missed you so much."

"I missed you too" she replies as I carry her into my dorm. I put her down and turn around to grab her suitcase before shutting my door behind us. "So" she smiles.

"So?" I ask as I step towards her. "About this someday thing."

"Mhm" she smiles, taking a step towards me. "What about it?"

I close the distance between us and press my lips to hers. The kiss is short but perfect, everything I ever thought it could be. Me and Maya. Together. Finally.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" I ask her as we pull apart.

"Absolutely" she replies happily.

"Welcome home Maya." 

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now