"I Love You"

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Inspired by: 8 Letters by Why Don't We

~ ❤💬❤ ~

Josh's POV

Meeting Maya was inevitable but becoming her friend was a choice and in becoming her friend I began to fall for her slowly and then all at once. It wasn't like I didn't realize it was happening but the realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

It wasn't that I didn't want to tell her, it was that I was terrified. Unfortunately my best friend knows me better than anyone. "Is something bothering you?" she asks as we sit at Topanga's eating lunch.

I offer her a soft smile and shake my head. "Everything's fine" I assure her. "Do you want another bagel?" I ask, trying to change the subject but she continues to stare at me, seemingly trying to read me.

"Josh don't lie to me" she demands decisively, convinced that I'm lying to her. "You always talk my ear off every time we go out to lunch yet today you don't speak a word to me. Is this about Jenny because I know I told you she isn't my favorite person but-."

"It's not about Jenny" I insist. Jenny was the girl I had been dating on and off for the past couple years while Maya was still in high school. About two weeks ago I broke things off for good upon my realization of just how deep my feelings for Maya went. But, since I had yet to express my feelings to Maya it wasn't shocking that she thought my quietness had something to do with my ex.

"Alright then what is it?" she questions. "I don't like you keeping secrets from me."

"Just drop it, please" I beg. "I just want to enjoy spending the afternoon with you."

She sits back in her seat in defeat. "Fine" she concedes. "But we aren't done with this discussion"

~ ❤💬❤ ~

As we walk out of Topanga's Maya's hand slips into mine and my heart skips a beat. Holding hands was a normal part of our relationship and while I was with Jenny it used to drive her nuts but now I get it because it seems like her hand was made specifically to fit into mine. My heart starts pounding in my chest as we walk towards Maya's apartment and I know that this could be my moment.

I could tell her how I feel yet the words are stuck in my throat.

I couldn't understand why this was so hard to say, it wasn't like I'd never said the words before. "But you didn't mean them" my subconscious reminds me.

Each time I had uttered the eight letters it had been because a girl said to to me and I didn't want to be a dick and just stare at them while they poured their heart out to me. With Maya I meant it and that scared the hell out of me.

"You're thinking again" she calls me out causing me to look up at her studying me intently. "Josh what's going on with you?" she asks confusedly. "You're acting so weird."

I sigh, pulling on her hand to stop her. She stumbles forward and lands against my chest and I'm shocked to find her heart beating rapidly against my own. "Woah" she giggles.

"I love you" I blurt out and her eyes widen as she steadies herself and stands up straight.

"W-what?" she stutters. "Did you just say you love me?" she asks in shock and I nod slowly.

"I-I'm sorry. That's not really how I planned on telling you but it sorta just came out and I know it may be a shock but trust me, it shocked me way more than it probably shocked you since I never planned to fall for my niece's best friend-."

"Josh please stop talking" she cuts me off. I clamp my mouth shut and look at her nervously. I had no idea what she was going to say next. "What about Jenny?" she asks softly.

I sigh, taking a step towards her. "It was never going to work. Not when I feel this way about you" I confess and a soft smile tugs at her lips.

"You realize this is insane right? We're best friends! This could change everything between us" she sighs and I nod. That was the biggest reason I had kept my feelings a secret for so long. The last thing I wanted was to lose Maya as my friend.

"I get it" I nod. "But that doesn't change the way I feel" I add softly. "I've tried ignoring my feelings but they just keep growing with time. I love you Maya and not just as a friend. I am helplessly in love with you" I murmur, stepping towards her.

"I-I don't know what to say" she stutters. I shrug.

"Say what you feel" I urge.

She lets out a deep breath, staring me in the eyes. "I think if we do this we have to take it slow. This can't be something we rush" she replies making my eyes widen. "But I would be lying if I said I felt nothing for you" she murmurs, closing the distance between us.

"So?" I ask impatiently and she giggles as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"So let's give us a shot" she replies excitedly and I can't help myself from leaning forward ad crashing my lips onto hers. She smiles against my lips, pulling at the hair at the nape of my neck and I let out a deep sigh as we pull apart.

"I love you" I murmur and her smile widens as her hand caresses my cheek.

"Someday" she replies and though it'a not an immediate reciprocation of my feelings, it is a promise that she'll get there eventually.

"Someday" I agree as my lips land back on hers.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now