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Maya's POV

"Oh no" Riley mutters as we walk into Mr. Matthews' classroom, her sudden stop making all of us pile into her.

"What?" I ask confused as my gaze rises to the chalkboard, realizing what had her so worried. "Oh no" I repeat.

"Not this again" Lucas groans as he brushes past us to take his seat.

"I hope we aren't going back to the ski lodge" Smackle says seriously, "no one wants that drama again."

The ski lodge. The mere mention of the lodge makes my heart skip a beat. The ski lodge was were Josh and I had started our someday, a promise we were still holding onto. "The ski lodge wasn't that bad" I argue as I move to take my seat, my friends piling in around me.

"Not that bad?" Farkle exclaims, "maybe not for the three of you since you all left all giddy and stupidly in love."

"So did you" I point out.

"Not the point" he argues, "do you know frustrating the three of you were for two years. The last thing I want is to have to deal with that again."

That's when Matthews walks in, an annoyed look on his face as he drops his bag onto his desk catching all of our attention.

"Daddy what's going on?" Riley asks sweetly, resting her head on her hands.

"Nature" he exclaims making all of us groan.

"Why are we learning about nature again? Haven't we been over this already?" I complain in annoyance, "we went to the ski lodge, we realized that Riley and Lucas were meant to be and I'm gonna be your sister in law someday. What more do we need to know?" I question.

"We're going camping" Matthews exclaims, "as head of the nature club I have to organize some kind of outing every year and this year we're going to a campsite just outside of town."

"For what possible reason?" Smackle questions.

"You're all growing up" Matthews says seriously, "you've made it past the awkward stages but now you're all in serious relationships. This trip is to test your human nature and your values" he explains. "What happens is up to you."

"Lucky me, I'll pass this test with flying colors" I smirk as I relax back into my seat, resting my feet up onto my desk.

"Oh yea?" Matthews questions as the door to the classroom opens and Josh walks in. I quickly sit up making Josh laugh as he walks in and stands beside Cory. "Meet your chaperone."


"You do realize this is a test" I point out to Josh as we stand in line to board the bus. "He's testing our human nature and our values. Seeing if our upbringing will keep us from doing something stupid."

"He's my brother" Josh chuckles, "of course this is a test. I would never expect anything less."

The annoying part was that I felt this was even more of a test for me and Josh. I had turned eighteen four months ago and while Josh and I had become much more flirtatious and the amount of hand holding, texting and talking had increased we had yet to make any further moves in our relationship. This weekend could be the start of our relationship but it felt tainted by Matthews' lesson.

"Everything is gonna be fine Maya" Josh insists as he slips his hand into mine. "Stop worrying so much" he adds as he leans down to kiss the top of my head before we step up to board the bus.

The ride to the campsite is short, only about twenty minutes before we're all piling back off the bus.

"Alright" Matthews shouts, catching our attention. "Girls and boys will be separated, girl's tents are on the left side and boys on the right. Any mingling will get you detention until the end of the school year" he adds making me roll my eyes.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now