Growing Up

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Maya's POV

The day I turned eighteen I knew two things. One, Joshua Matthews was mine and two, I was an adult. So tell me how the hell I got roped into a family vacation the first week of my summer break. "Mom I don't get why I have to go" I complain as I stand against the kitchen counter while she packs vigorously around me.

"Because as long as you live under my roof you have to do what I say" she replies causing me to moan in annoyance as my phone vibrates in my back pocket.

BOING: R u goin on this stupid trip?

My heart rate speeds up and my cheeks heat up as I read the message. Josh was coming. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

MAYA: Sadly

BOING: At least there's one bright side 😊 See u soon gorgeous 😙

MAYA: Later boing 😙

"Maya" my mom shouts causing me to drop my phone onto the counter with a loud thud.

"What?" I ask confusedly.

"I've been calling your name for the past three minutes. Get the bags" she instructs making me roll my eyes as I do what she asks.


The ride to the beach house is incredibly long but when we finally arrive we pull up behind the Matthews car and I watch Josh climb out followed by my best friend. I yank open my door and rush over to Riley. "Peaches" she exclaims as she throws her arms around me.

"Hi honey" I smile as we pull apart, allowing my eyes to wander over to Josh. "Hey" I smile, a light blush spreading on my cheeks.

"Hey" he replies nonchalantly. I bite my lip as my eyes land on Cory and Topanga unpacking the car. I look to Josh again and realize his gaze has landed on them as well. I stifle a sigh. Our families had no idea about us. Josh was nervous that Cory and Shawn would kill him if they found out and while I was sure he was right, it sucked that I couldn't be affectionate with my own boyfriend.

"I'll show you to our room" Riley smiles. I force a smile and follow her.


Riley is in the shower so I'm sitting in our room watching television while I wait for dinner. Suddenly my phone dings and catches my attention.

BOING: U alone?

MAYA: Yepppp

BOING: Sameeee. I hate this. I want to hug you and kiss you

MAYA: It totally sucks! We're together an entire week yet it's like we've never been further apart 😕

BOING: What r u doin?

MAYA: Watching tv. U?

BOING: Thinkin bout you and those short shorts youre wearing today....


BOING: Very 😉


BOING: We've been dating for almost seven months baby. Is it really shocking that i want u?

My cheeks heat up and I fidget in my spot. Josh wanted me. "Maya" my mom shouts from downstairs.

MAYA: Sneak up tonight at 11 😉

I send the text and head downstairs with my phone in hand. I walk into the kitchen and find my mom, Topanga, and Riley all cooking. "What's up?" I ask as I place my phone onto the counter.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now