Fatherly Love

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Maya's POV

As I stare at the man in front of me memories of the day I told Josh I was pregnant with the blessing clinging to my leg flood my senses.

This wasn't supposed to happen is all I can think as I stare down at the test resting on the sink. Sure, Josh and I were happily married and more in love than we ever have been but this was horrible timing, we were both drowning in debt and Josh was still student teaching until he could graduate at the end of the semester. We most certainly were not financially stable enough to bring another person into the equation.

"Babe we should really get going" Josh knocks on the door. "Pangers will not be happy if we're late to Cor's birthday party" he adds and I sigh as I toss the test into the trash. I would have to deal with dropping this bomb on him later, right now I had to act natural.

I plaster a smile onto my face and pull open the door, looking up at my husband beaming back at me. "Ready" I announce and he smiles.

"Great. Let's get this party started" he exclaims and I can't help but chuckle as I follow him out towards the car.

The ride to the party is filled with the sounds of us both singing at the top of our lungs to some of our favorite songs and for a little while I forget about the huge bomb looming over me. We pull up to the loft and I take a deep breath before opening my door and stepping out into the damp spring air.

Josh's hand envelopes mine as we head inside and my heart skips a beat. It never ceased to amaze me that even after all these years he could still affect me the way he does.

He knocks on the door and Cory opens it, smiling brightly at us both and I instantly feel like the fakest person here. "My favorite brother and his wife. What a nice surprise" he teases. I roll my eyes as I brush past him.

"Thanks Cor" I laugh as I look around the room for Riley or Topanga. I find them both in the corner cooing over Baby Friar and I shake my head in amusement. They were absolutely entralled in the kid and I couldn't help but wonder if in a few months that would be me and my mom cooing over my baby.

I walk towards them and Riley's eyes light up when she sees me. "Peaches" she exclaims, throwing her arms around me. "Ah I'm so glad to see you" she gushes and I chuckle as we pull apart.

"I'm glad to see you too Riles" I assure her with a giggle. "How's your dad's birthday going?"

"It's been great aside from you being late" she taunts and I shrug nonchalantly.

"I got caught up with something" I reply dismissively. "I uh I gotta use the bathroom" I add in an attempt to escape this conversation as swiftly as possible.

I head towards the upstairs bathroom only to be stopped by Topanga's voice. "Have you told him?" she asks and my eyes flutter shut as it sinks in...she knows.

"How did you know?" I ask softly and she chuckles.

"You never run away from Riley, you're dodging questions not to mention you're practically glowing" she explains. "I just went through this with my own daughter. You don't think a woman knows?" she asks with a chuckle as I turn to face her. "So?"

"I just found out. H-how do I tell him?"

"You just tell him. You can't keep it from him" she says and I know she's right.

"I know that but it's going to change everything. What if I lose him?"

"Why would I lose you?" Josh asks and I look up and find him hovering behind Topanga.

"I'll just leave you both alone" she says, slipping away and I release a deep breath as he walks towards me.

"Why would I leave? Did something happen?" he asks confusedly and I nod. In my experience when the going gets tough the husband gets gone.

"We're sorta having a baby" I admit softly and his eyes widen.

"We're what?" he exclaims and I nod to confirm the words. "And you thought I'd leave you because...Maya" he sighs, realizing exactly why I thought he'd run. "I am not Kermit. That man doesn't know what he left behind" he insists, caressing my cheek. "We're going to be fine...a little financially unstable but alright in the long game" he smirks and I chuckle as I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you Joshua Matthews."

"I love you more Maya Matthews."

"Maya" the man interrupts my thoughts and I'm brought back to current day.

"Mommy who is this?" Skyler asks and I shake my head as I pick up my daughter and hoist her onto my hip.

"He's no one" I snip as I brush past him.

"I didn't know you had a child" Kermit says and I quickly turn to face him as anger boils inside me.

"That would be because you walked out on me and mom when I was a child myself. You lost your right to know anything about me the day you showed up at Topanga's and I asked you to leave."

"Daddy" Skyler exclaims and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion until I spot my husband walking in with our newborn son, Liam, in his arms.

Josh stops in his tracks when he sees my father and looks into my eyes intently as Kermit turns to face him. "You must be Maya's fella."

"Her husband actually" Josh clarifies as he walks towards me and wraps his arm around my waist. "And we should really be going" he snips.

"But maybe we could catch up sometime. I mean, I am your father-." Kermit attempts.

I watch as the calm, cool and collected man I married leaves Josh's body and he turns on Kermit violently.

"I am a father" he seethes. "I am there every single day when my kids wake up and I am there every night to tuck them in. I go to school functions, watch too many episodes of Paw Patrol and most importantly I love them unconditionally just as I love their mother. You are a man who aided in the creation of my wife and I thank you for that but that's as much praise as you'll ever recieve from me. You stay far away from my family unless you want this to be taken care of legally" he snips and Kermit shuts his mouth as a result.

"Let's go" I murmur, nudging Josh and he nods as we head out of the shop. "You okay?" I ask worriedly and he nods.

"I'm fine. Are you okay? How are my girls?" he asks, looking between me and our daughter.

"I'm just stunned" I admit. "And you're okay aren't you sweetie?"

"Can I have a cookie yet?" she asks impatiently and Josh chuckles, nodding his head.

"I think we all deserve cookies" he admits. "To Topanga's" he insists as we head off towards the car.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now