Broken Dryers are More Fun

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Maya's POV

"Dammit" I mutter in annoyance as I kick the washer in hopes that maybe my abuse will make it work.

"Babe I don't think that's gonna work" Josh smirks as he leans against the doorframe of the laundry room. Josh and I had gotten married a few months ago and we moved into a starter home that had its fair share of issues. The most prominent one at the moment being our broken dryer and now the washer too.

"I know but at least I can get out my frustration" I reply as I kick it once more before feeling Josh's hands around my waist.

"Deep breath" he whispers in my ear causing me to stop and relax into his arms, taking a deep breath. "Feel better?"

"I always feel better with you around" I smile as I turn around in his arms to face him. "I can call my dad and he and Cory can have these things towed out of here" I add as I glance back at the machines behind me.

"I could call the repair guy" Josh suggests causing me to shake my head.

"We've done that twice and now we're back over a hundred bucks with broken machines. Let's just get them replaced."

"I don't like the sound of that. That sounds like shopping" he replies making me laugh as I nod my head, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Appliance shopping isn't like regular shopping" I argue.

"It's still shopping."

"What is it gonna take for you to come with me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow as my husband's eyes look past me at the machines.

"Um" he stutters as he plays with the hem of my shirt causing my body to heat up from the contact his hand makes with my skin. "Maybe we could have a little fun on these things."

"I know what you're suggesting and you are crazy" I laugh as I step back but of course I step back against the dryer, putting myself right where he wanted me.

"You're the one who married me. I'm pretty sure that makes you crazier than me" he smirks as he steps towards me, grabbing my hips causing my breath to hitch.

"If I give in can we go shopping?" I ask with a smirk. Sex and shopping. It hardly seemed fair that I was getting two things I enjoyed, not that I'd ever admit that I liked this idea.

"No because then it sounds like I'm forcing you and that's no fun" he pouts making me laugh as I reach up to press my lips to his.

"Once and then I'm calling the guys to come get these things and you and I are going shopping" I smile as I pull back from the kiss.

"You're sexy when you're bossy" he smirks as he grabs my hips, lifting me up onto the dryer.

"Thank you Mr. Matthews" I smile as I wrap my legs around his torso, pulling him closer.

"Anytime Mrs. Matthews" he replies happily as he leans in to kiss me and we together we find a use for our broken dryer.

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