Third Wheel or Double Date ✅

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Maya's POV

"Hey Bean, you wanna go to the movies tonight?" Lucas asks Riley while we all sit at lunch. Farkle and Smackle are both working on the discussion question from our Chemistry lab and I've been forced to watch the nauseating romance movie that is Riley and Lucas' relationship.

A smile tugs at her lips as she nods in agreement. "Of course Bear" she replies, leaning in to give him a quick peck while I'm sitting there annoyed.

They couldn't go to the movies tonight. Zay was out of town which meant if we all went to the movies I would be the third wheel.

"You can't go to the movie tonight" I argue. "Who's gonna sit next to me?" I question confusedly.

"Well-" Lucas starts but Riley shoots him a death glare causing him to stop talking but I still want to know what he was going to say.

"What" I press, becoming agitated in the awkward silence that had fallen over us.

"Nothing" Riley insists in an attempt to drop the subject but I'm not having it. Clearly Lucas wanted to say something and I wanted to hear what it was.

"No, Huckleberry wanted to say something. What is it Ranger Rick?" I demand, turning my head to glare at him.

"It's just" he begins, looking away fron Riley purposely. "You could stay home" he suggests lightly.

My eyes widen and I sit there in shock, not sure what to say. Was there really anything to say?

"Oh" I reply, unsure of how else to respond. "Um, yea. Go ahead go on your date. I'll be fine" I insist as the bell rings. Thank god. I have never been happier to hear the bell than I was right now.

I stand up quickly before bolting out of the cafeteria while holding back tears.

How much longer was I going to have to be the third wheel. When could I go to the movies with the guy I was crazy about?

I bite back my tears and shake the thoughts from my head before taking a deep breath and heading to class.

~ 💙🎬💙 ~

I tolerate my classes for the rest of the day before heading home. I usually went to the Matthews' house after school but today I just really wanted to go home. I couldn't face Riley, not yet.

I walk into the house and head straight to my bedroom plopping down on my bed. Of course, the second I get comfy my phone starts vibrating in my pocket so I have to move to pull it out. 

I look down at the screen and my annoyance dissipates as a text from Josh is displayed on the screen before me.

BOING: So, I come into town and you don't even bother to come over. Rude gorgeous! Very rude!!!

As I read the text my heart falls into my stomach. Great. The one day I don't go to Riley's her uncle shows up.

MAYA: You shoulda told me you were in town. I'm kinda avoiding Rucas tonight 😕

BOING: What's wrong?

MAYA: Zay is out of town and Riley and Lucas are going to the movies. It was either third wheel or stay home.

BOING: Or I could take you...

MAYA: Josh someday is not today...sadly.

BOING: I know that but it's not like we'd be making out or anything. I'd just fill in for Zay. Just sitting next to you 😊

MAYA: Just sitting next to me? Not even a little scandalous hand holding 😛

BOING: We're past our six weeks Miss Hunter

MAYA: Maybe....but it's dark in movie theaters. No one would know...

BOING: You're trouble

MAYA: Maybe. But really Josh, you don't have to. It's not a big deal

BOING: I'll be there in ten minutes 😊

I look down at the text excitedly. I knew Josh was right, that we wouldn't do anything that could sacrifice our someday but I also knew that Josh sitting next to me wasn't the same as Zay. Josh was my someday and I couldn't wait for the day we could go to the movies, just the two of us.

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