Winter Wonderland

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Maya's POV

"Hey mom" Emma greets me as she walks into the house, plopping her backpack onto the kitchen counter.

"Hey baby girl" I smile, looking past her at her baby brother sitting in the middle of the living room eating the corner of a pillow. "How was school?" I ask, looking back to her with a soft smile.

I knew that Emma had been having a hard time since Cody was born but I was trying my best.

After having Emma right out of high school Josh and I decided we would wait to have another kid until we were married. Then it was seemingly too late. My body just wouldn't work with pur dream of having a bigger family. We gave up. We came to peace with having one child and we were happy.

Then I got pregnant.

Cody was our miracle baby but it had not been an easy adjustment for Emma.

"Fine" she sighs, shrugging her shoulders. "I'll be in my room" she says as she turns on her heels and walks away.

I sigh, leaning against the counter. "Emma" I shout, moving towards Cody. I pick him up and put him on my hip as I make my way towards my daughter's room. "Hey" I knock on the open door. "You wanna do something?" I ask with a bright smile.

She quirks an eyebrow at me. "Like what?"

"Like annoy your dad" I smirk making her sit up, suddenly intrigued.

"What do you have in mind mom?"

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"Maya Penelope Matthews" Josh shouts from the living room making me chuckle as I share a glance with my daughter from where she was standing above me on a ladder.

"He sounds pretty upset" Emma says worriedly but I simply shrug. This was Josh. He couldn't stay mad at me.

"Just stay here" I insist as I walk back into the living room to find Josh standing beneath our homemade winter wonderland. There were lights strung everywhere, paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, garland wrapped around the banister, and random decor scattered on ever surface.

"Hey baby."

"Maya" he groans. "What the hell babe?"

"It was mother-daughter bonding" I argue. "And I think it went pretty well. Emma even smiled."

His face softens as he looks around the house. "She did?" He was wrapped around pur daughter's finger.

"Yep" I pop the p. "So? You mad?"

"A little annoyed? Yes. Mad? Of course not" he assures me. "Where is the kid?"

"Heading to bed" Emma says as she walks out of our bedroom. "Thanks for today mom" she smiles as she puts her arms around me, squeezing me in a tight hug.

"Anytime baby girl. I love you."

"Love you too" she murmurs before we pull apart and she heads to her room.

"Night kid" Josh smiles, ruffling her hair as she walks past us. "Where's Cody?"

"Asleep" I smirk as I grab his hand and pull him towards our bedroom. "So it seems we have some time to ourselves" I add as I stop him right where I wanted him.

"Yea? What do you suggest we do?" he asks as he encircles me in his arms.

I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Well I was thinking we could start with that" I say, flicking my head upwards. He follows my gaze and a chuckle falls from his lips as he spots the mistletoe that I had instructed Emma to hang up.

"Well it is the law of Christmas" he smirks as he leans down to press his lips to mine.

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