I Know It's Late...

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Maya's POV

I storm out of Riley's house with tears running down my face. Riley and I never fought, but this was different. We were seniors in high school and we had all gotten our acceptance letters over the past few weeks. My decision was clear from the day I sent in my application. I was going to NYU. And I thought Riley was too but I was wrong. Riley was going to school in Texas.

With Lucas.

I couldn't believe it. After all these years Riley finally chose the cowboy over me. It hurt more than I could've ever imagined. 

I knew I should go home but I couldn't bring myself to go. There was only one person I wanted to see. 

The walk to NYU is short but freezing seeing as though it was the middle of January in New York but as soon as I made it to Josh's dorm and he opened the door it was all worth it. 

"Maya what are you doing here?" Josh asks confused as he holds his door slightly ajar but not far enough for me to see whoever he was obviously hiding. 

"Just. Um. Needed someone" I stutter as I shake my head. "You know what? Never mind" I say as I try to leave but Josh grabs my wrist stopping me pulling the door shut behind him.

"Maya what's wrong?" Josh asks seriously and I lose it all over again. Josh immediately wraps his arms around me engulfing me in a hug as I cry. 

"She's leaving" I manage to get out between my sobs.

"Who's leaving?" he asks softly. 

"Riley" I cry and suddenly his grip on me tightens. "She's going to school in Texas. She's leaving me. I'm alone."

"You're not alone. You have me" he says and I start to smile before I remember that we're in the hallway because there's someone in his dorm that he doesn't want me to see. 

"Do I have you?" I ask pulling away from him.

"Gorgeous what are you talking about?" 

"Who's in there?" I ask motioning towards his dorm. "I mean I know it's late and I should've called and I have no right to even ask. I mean you aren't my boyfriend" I say trying to sound nonchalant, but I was anything but.

"Maya you have every right to ask" Josh says caressing my cheek gently, slowly wiping my tears away with his thumb. "It's just I don't think you're prepared for the answer" he laughs and suddenly I'm confused. "Come here" Josh says grabbing my hand. "Company" Josh announces opening the door and I can't help but laugh when my eyes land on the people in the room.  

"What the hell Josh?" Andrew asks jumping off Brenda quickly with his shirt unbuttoned. "Maya what are you doing here?" 

"Needed someone to talk to" I say trying to suppress my laughter before I turn to Josh. "Why were you in here watching this?" I ask Josh looking at him amused.  

"I wasn't. She had just gotten here and I was getting ready to leave when you came over" he says seriously. "Which is what you and I are gonna do now that you know that Brenda is sleeping with Andrew not me" he says making me laugh.

He throws on his coat and grabs my hand leading me outside. We walk in silence for a few seconds but once the cold night air hits our faces Josh starts to talk. "Now that that's been squared away. Tell me about Riley" Josh says looking at me. 

"She's going to school in Austin. They have a great English department. But I also happen to know they have a great Lucas department."

"You really think that's what she's doing? Following him?" 

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