Piece by Piece

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*Inspired By: Piece by Piece by Kelly Clarkson*


Maya's POV

I was seven when my dad walked out without a second glance. It was a hard seven years with just me and my mom. She worked endless hours at the diner and I spent many nights at Riley's. It wasn't a perfect life by any means but it was all I had and I wasn't one to complain. While life was okay nothing prepared me for the Christmas before my fourteenth birthday. It was the day that changed everything. That was the day I met Shawn Patrick Hunter.

"Uncle Shawn" Riley smiles as she walks down the steps from the kitchen to the living room.

"Yea hey kids" he replies nonchantly as he wanders over to Matthews.

"Yea hey kids?" I question.

"Maybe he's just not a big talker" she replies defensively.

"Cor time to talk" Shawn says to Cory making me eye Riley suspiciously as she shrugs and links her arm in mine.

Of course we later came to find that he was just feeling left behind. Seeing Riley reminded him of what he didn't have and wanted so badly. Cue my fourteenth birthday. The day my mom met Shawn. He helped pay for the locket I still wear today. It didn't take long for the two of them to fall madly in love and that's when the first piece fell into place.

"Do you wanna get married?" Shawn asks my mother as I look on with Riley's arms wrapped around me while tears spill from my eyes.

Skip forward and it's their wedding day. Talking about the long journey that led them to one another and Shawn asking me to jump. And with a two letter phrase, two rings, and a kiss my family was complete.

Then Shawn adopted me.

"Hunter" Josh teases as he walks into the Matthews' house, obviously there to do laundry. Of course while the pieces of my family were coming together so were the pieces of my relationship with Josh. I was inching closer to eighteen and someday was just waiting in the rearview.

"Matthews" I smirk making him chuckle as he brushes past me down to the laundry room. I smile and go back to my sandwich preparation.

The day I turned eighteen was the best day of my life. The day Josh asked me to be his girlfriend. He sat me down on the bay window and simply asked. My heart soared and I couldn't hold back my smile as I said yes. Another piece coming together.

We dated for three years before he finally popped the question at his graduation party. I had tears streaming down my face as I nodded and watched him slip the ring onto my finger.

The day we married was a crisp spring day that took a damp turn. "Rain is good luck right?" I laugh as Josh and I stand at the altar, hand in hand.

Fast forward again and I'm standing in our bathroom panicking because the test in my hand has a small plus sign staring back at me. "Maya?" Josh questions as he appears behind me. "Everything okay?" he asks as I turn and face him with tears in my eyes as I hold out the test for him to see. He takes it and a smile breaks out across his face. "We're pregnant?" he exclaims excitedly.

"Yea" I whisper as he grabs my waist and spins me around, taking me by surprise as he crashes his lips onto mine. "You're not mad?" I ask as he eyes me confusedly.

"About starting a family? Of course not. This is so amazing Maya. I love you so much" he gushes making my heart flutter.

Which brings us here. In our two bedroom house sitting on our couch watching Cuddle Bunnies while Hope plays with her Barbie dolls on the floor in front of us. "I love you" Josh whispers sweetly making my heart flutter.

"I love you too" I reply as I lean up and kiss him.

My heart was shattered when I was seven years old but piece by piece I was put back together again. I learned that a man can be good and a father can stay. I learned that I was worth being loved. Piece by piece. 

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