Under the Christmas Tree

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A/N: Merry Christmas!!! Just kidding we still have quite a while until then but this is the official beginning of Christmas one shots! Hope you all enjoy them and if you're looking for me I'll be rewatching Stranger Things for the hundredth time and blasting Sabrina Carpenter Christmas music 😊

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

Josh's POV

"Babe we gotta go" Maya insists as she walks into the living room putting earrings in.

"Yea yea" I reply as I stuff the Christmas presents from under the tree into a bag to make it easier to carry into my brother's. "I'm ready" I add as I throw the last of the gifts into the bag and stand up.

"Good" she sighs. "Let's go" she smiles as she pulls on her jacket.

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"Dinner was delicious Pangers" I smile as I lean back in my seat.

"How would any of you know?" she exclaims. "You all inhale it every single year. I swear you don't even taste any of it."

Maya laughs beside me as she reaches for her glass of wine and takes a sip. "It was really good Topanga" she insists.

"Thank you Maya" Topanga smiles. I roll my eyes. My sister in law always had a soft spot for Maya. She was like a daughter to her, Topanga was thrilled when we finally started dating.

"Can we do presents now?" Auggie asks impatiently making Cory chuckle.

"I don't see why not" he shrugs. "That okay?" he asks Topanga and she nods.

"It's fine" she replies. "Maya wanna help me pass out the gifts?" she asks as she stands up from the table and makes her way towards the tree.

"Sure" Maya says brightly as she follows her.

"I'll help too" Riley adds as she jumps off her chair and follows after them.

Slowly the rest of us pile in around the tree, Auggie sitting beside me while everyone else fills in. The girls read the tags on the presents and begin passing them out, giving everyone two to start. "Alright" Riley smiles. "Ready. Set. Unwrap" she exclaims and everyone tears away the wrapping paper.

My first couple presents are a movie I had been wanting and a new case for my iPhone since I had scratched mine pretty badly.

I look over to find Maya unwrapping a box with dark purple wrapping paper that was accented with white snowflakes and my eyes widen.


"Maya" I whisper yell, not wanting to get anyone else's attention. She was only a couple people away from me but she had terrible hearing. "Maya!"

Still nothing. She continues to tear at the paper and my heartbeat begins beating erratically in my chest. She tears at the tape on the box with her nails and I jump out of my seat, grabbing the present out of her hands.

"Josh what the hell?" she exclaims as she looks up at me in confusion.

"Everything alright?" Cory asks worriedly.

"Yea this is just uh, I wasn't planning on having you open this until tomorrow. You know. Christmas morning."

"Babe we're a little old for Santa" Maya giggles as she grabs the box. "Thank you for the thought though" she adds as she goes to open the lid on the box but I put my hand over it.

"Maya please. Let it be a surprise for tomorrow."

"Josh I hate waking up early. Just relax" she laughs as she moves my hand and opens the box.

Immediately her face turns red and Riley breaks into a fit of laughter.

"What is it?" Shawn asks as Maya slams the lid shut and looks up to me.

"It's uh" she swallows harshly. "It's nothing."

"Nothing?" Auggie questions. "It was an empty box?"

"Yep" Maya lies. "Next present please."

~ ⛄🎄❄ ~

"I told you not to open it" I laugh as Maya pulls back the blankets and climbs into bed.

"Why would you bring it if it was meant for tomorrow?"

"It was an accident. You could've listened to me and not opened it."

"I didn't think it was going to be lingerie" she exclaims.

"I'm sorry" I apologize. "Next year I'll just get you a book or something."

"Fine. Just no Fifty Shades" she smirks making me chuckle as she snuggles up next to me.

"Agreed" I smile as I kiss the top of her head.

Someday: A Collection of Joshaya One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now