Happiness Looks Good on You

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Maya's POV

One Year Ago...

"Alright Josh" Amy beams, handing her son a neatly wrapped gift box. I wonder if she'll judge me in the future when the presents from Josh and I are thrown haphazardly together since no matter how many times Riley tries to help me I just can't seem to get the sides right. "Your turn" she adds. I remain at his side, making sure not to move too close to him to let on that we're anything but friends while he places the box in his lap and tears at the paper. 

"Oh my gosh" Josh laughs, pulling the lid off the box and staring down at the contents. I look over his shoulder and find a t-shirt sitting among a heap of tissue paper and when he pulls it out I'm beyond confused as to why he seems so excited about a graphic tee that I've seen multiple times at Hot Topic. "Mom I can't believe you remembered."

"You spent your entire teenage years quoting the damn show. Of course I remember" she laughs and it clicks as I look at the light blue shirt. It was a Dunder Mifflin tee which was the company that The Office was centered around. Josh loved the show while I found it kinda dumb. 

"I love it. Thank you mom" Josh smiles. "I'll wear it all the time."


Present Day...

I yawn, climbing out of Josh's bed and grabbing his shirt from the floor. I pull it over my head and grab a pair of panties from my drawer in Josh's dresser, pulling them up to cover my rear end before walking out into the hallway. After our long night and the longer night we had ahead of us with his family visiting I was going to need some coffee, not to mention confidence since after nearly a year of dating we were finally going to come clean about our relationship. 

When we got together I was only seventeen so we thought it would be best to keep it on the down low and after my birthday it just...never came up. Now, a year later, I was eighteen and practically living in his small one bedroom apartment that was located mere minutes away from NYU's campus. 

I brew a pot of coffee, tapping my fingers against the countertop when I feel Josh's strong, steady arms wrap around my waist. "Morning my love" he murmurs, kissing just below my ear. My heart swells as I lean into him. Most people said we were much too young to be this serious but my argument is that I've waited four damn years to be with the man and I wasn't wasting anymore time. 

"Morning baby" I reply, covering his hands with my own. He feathers light kisses down my neck and I sigh, leaning my neck back so my head is resting on his shoulder as I completely surrender to his gentle assault. 

Suddenly, the speaker box on the wall buzzes to life and my eyes widen as I snap out of my trance. "What the he-."

"Josh" Amy's voice calls out and my heart stops in my chest. 

"Shit" I exclaim, breaking from his loving embrace. "I have to go get dressed" I insist but Josh catches my wrist and pulls me against him. 

"You don't want to tell my parents were dating while being half-naked?" he asks teasingly and I shake my head adamantly. 

"Absolutely not. I'll be right back" I assure him, pecking his lips before running down the hallway and walking into his bedroom to change. I quickly dive into my overnight drawer and pull out my last pair of washed jeans and pull them over my legs, glancing in the mirror and groaning. My hair was a mess from last night and I hadn't bothered to take off my makeup before passing out. 

"Dammit" I murmur. I turn to find my purse in the mess of clothes I left in the middle of the floor the night before and finally find it under the bed. I dig inside and luckily find makeup wipes. I use a few to clean my face and use my emergency brush to get the stubborn tangles out of my hair before finally looking back into the mirror and deciding that I look decent enough. 

I walk back out of his room and head back to the living room and find my boyfriend talking to his parents who were seated on the couch. I feel bad that they have no idea how many times Josh and I have fooled around on it. "I'm back" I smile, getting the attention of Alan who offers me a soft smile. 

"Oh, Maya. What a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?" 

I walk towards Josh and stop beside him, taking a deep breath as Amy looks me up and down. "Well actually-."

"Is that the shirt I bought you last year for Christmas?" Amy asks Josh and my heart stops as I look down at the shirt I hadn't bothered to take off. It was The Office shirt that Josh had gotten last year. 

"Um" Josh replies, rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Maybe."

"Why? What is going on here?" she demands. 

I take Josh's hand in mine and offer them a polite smile. "We're dating."

Amy's eyes widen. "Since when?"

"Last year" Josh interjects. "We got together around Riley's birthday and we've been together since."

"And you're already" Amy trails off suggestively. She wasn't a fool, she knew there was only one reason women wore men's shirts. 

"Yes mom" Josh sighs, rolling his eyes. "I am twenty-one years old and sex isn't a taboo word, it's the twenty first century."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"That you're happy for us would be a start" Josh replies, squeezing my hand. "Because we're really happy. Happier than I ever thought was humanly possible."

Amy's face softens as she looks between us. "So it's serious then?"

"Are you asking if it's more than sex?" Josh laughs. "Yes mom, we're actually dating and yes a future together is likely."

My heart swells as I lean into him. I loved him so damn much. "I don't see what the big deal is" Alan shrugs. "They are adults, Ams."

She nods. "I know that" she concedes. "I never said I was upset, I'm shocked but not upset. I am wondering though, is she the girl? Your Topanga as your brother put it?"

Josh glances down at me and nods his head without hesitation. "Definitely" he replies and my breath hitches in my throat as his eyes burn into mine. "Even though she hates The Office." 

My lips part as a shocked giggle falls from my lips. "Hey" I exclaim, slapping his chest. "Just for that, I'm keeping your shirt."

"Fine" he concedes. "Looks better on you anyway" he adds before looking down at his mom. "I mean, I love the shirt but-."

Amy puts her hand up to stop him. "No, no. You meant what you said" she chuckles. "Perhaps we should come back tonight. You do still remember how to cook don't you?" she teases her son. "Or have you been strictly eating Ramen noodles?"

"I remember" Josh argues. "And dinner would be fantastic."

"Great. We'll be back around six" she smiles, standing up and hugging each of us but she pauses in the midst of our hug, holding me against her chest. "Thank you for making my baby boy so happy" she murmurs, hugging me tighter. 

Tears form in my eyes as she pulls apart and beams at me. "We'll be back" she assures us before her and Alan walk out of the apartment, leaving Josh and I alone. 

"What did she whisper to you?" Josh asks, noting my tears. I shake my head, wiping at my eyes. 

"Nothing bad. She thanked me for making you happy. Do I really make you happy?"

He smiles, pulling me against him once more. "Baby, there are not enough words in any language that describe just how happy you make me. I love you so much."

I lean up, pressing my lips to his in a chaste kiss before pulling away and resting my forehead against his. "I love you too."

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