A Witch and A Pirate

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Maya's POV

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Riley asks as she lies on the bed in our dorm room.

"Um it's Halloween Riles. Do you honestly want to sit here all night and sleep when we can be at a party" I say as I stand in front of the mirror in my costume. I was dressed up like a witch complete with a pointy hat and a pair of knee high black boots.

"Lucas isn't here so yea Maya. I would" she says and I sigh annoyed. Lucas was going to college in Texas and he wasn't home this weekend, meaning Riley was planning on spending her entire night locked in our dorm.

"Fine then you can stay here and I'll go by myself" I say as I grab my room key and walk out.

I walk across campus and arrive at the frat house that was throwing the annual Halloween bash. I step inside and I'm met with the smells of alcohol and too much body spray. The house is filled to the brim with people and there are empty cups strewn everywhere. I brush past everyone and head towards the kitchen. I find the keg and grab a cup filling it up and taking a sip as I look around scanning the crowd.

"Damn nice boots" I hear a guy say from behind me.

"Thanks" I say nonchalantly not making eye contact with the stranger.

"Boots like those on a woman as fine as you should be illegal" the guy continues and I roll my eyes. He was obviously extremely drunk.

"Look I appreciate the compliment but I'm not interested" I say as I turn around and face the stranger. He had shaggy blonde hair and he wearing a toga. I refrain myself from rolling my eyes at how ridiculous he looked.

"Well you should be" he says as he grabs my waist.

"I said I wasn't interested" I say as I try to escape his grasp.

"And I don't care" he says as his hand grips my ass.

"I'm pretty sure she just told you that she wasn't interested" I hear from behind me and my heart jumps. I'd know that voice anywhere, it was the voice of the guy I've been in love with since I was fourteen years old.

"Dude step off. Find your own woman" the guy says gripping my waist tighter.

"Your hands are on my woman" Josh yells pushing the guy off of me before standing in front of me protectively. "Get out of here" Josh shouts making the guy stumble backwards. "Now" he adds and finally the guy disappears.

Josh turns around to face me and I can tell on his face that he's terrified that I'm hurt. "Come with me" he says grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs. We pass a few rooms and finally we reach the room that I presume is his. I knew Josh was in this frat, it was the main reason I wanted to come to this party so badly.

"Nice room" I say as I look around. He had tons of movie posters and trophies from high school adorning the walls and everything was blue. It was actually a lot like I had always pictured it.

"Are you okay?" he asks as he shuts the door behind us ignoring my compliment.

"I'm fine" I insist taking a seat on his bed.

"Where's Riley?" he asks knowing that I hardly ever went anywhere without her.

"Lucas is out of town so she's at home sleeping" I say as Josh nods knowingly.

"So why are you here alone Maya? You are a gorgeous girl, the perfect target for any drunk guy" Josh says making me sigh.

"I was hoping I wouldn't be alone" I mutter under my breath.

"You knew I would be here didn't you?" he asks and I nod. "Dammit Maya" he says as he takes a seat next to me. "You know, you have my number, you could text me" he says making me laugh.

"I wanted to surprise you" I smile. "Do you like my costume?" I ask as I stand up and twirl in a circle.

"You look gorgeous as always" he says making me roll my eyes.

"I was going more for sexy" I say causing him to laugh.

"Maya you are sexy enough on your own, you don't need a costume" he says making a blush rise up on my cheeks.

"Thanks Matthews. You don't look so bad yourself" I smirk as I take in his appearance for the first time. He had on a pair of tight black jeans and a flowy white shirt. He even had on a fake earring, he looked like Will Turner from the Pirate movies. He looked hot as hell.

"You are nothing but trouble Hart" he laughs as he stands up to join me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I missed you Josh" I say seriously as I wrap my arms around his neck looking up at him.

"I missed you too Maya" he responds as he rests his forehead against mine. "How are you liking college so far anyway?" he asks and I smile.

"If it means that I get to finally be your girlfriend then I'd say it's going pretty good" I say making Josh chuckle as he pulls away slightly.

"Don't you want to explore a bit. See what else NYU has to offer?" he asks and I sigh.

"Josh I've seen what NYU has to offer. I still want you" I insist caressing his cheek.

"Then you have me" he whispers as he leans down to kiss me. His lips move against mine gently and I can't help but smile. I always wondered what it would be like to kiss him, and now that I had I never wanted to stop. We pull apart after a few seconds and Josh is smiling down at me.

"What?" I ask happily.

"I think I'm under your spell Hart" he says making me laugh.

"That was awful" I joke as I look up at him lovingly.

"Well you better get used to it because you're stuck with me now" he says and I smile at I reach back up to kiss him.

"Aye Captain" I smirk before my lips find his again. Officially making this my favorite Halloween ever.

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