Defending Maya

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Requested By: missthang2001

P.S. I hope you don't mind the slightly less violent approach I took to the idea

~ 🗯😠🗯 ~

Josh's POV

When Riley had texted me while I was working on an essay last night to tell me that Maya's dad was in town I couldn't stop myself from grabbing my keys and hopping on my car.

Now, I was parking my car and heading towards my sister-in-law's bakery where Cory said they all were going to he this afternoon and take a deep, calming breath.

I had no idea what shape Maya was going to be in after seeing her dad but I doubted it would be going great.

I head towards the steps and just as I'm about to turn the corner I hear a man's voice and for some reason it makes me stop.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there" the man says, sounding genuinely sympathetic but I know immediately who this man is and I already feel anger bubbling up inside me. "You-you turned out great" he adds and I can't help but smile at that because Maya is great but he doesn't get to take credit for that. Katy. Cory. Topanga. Riley. Shawn. They get to take credit for that, not the man who left her.

"Wow" her soft voice speaks and I can hear the tears heavy in her words. "I've been angry for so long" she adds, almost dazedly. "I'm not angry anymore" she states and while I'm happy that she's made progress with her past I'm angry.

"Yea?" I ask as I round the corner, glaring at the man sitting before Maya. "Because I'm pretty angry" I state simply.

Maya's eyes widen as she looks at me. "Josh? What-what are you doing here?" she stutters making my face soften as I turn towards her.

"I came to see you" I state simply as I approach her and reach out to wipe her cheeks. "You okay gorgeous?"

She lets out a choked sob and my heart shatters to know that her father is responsible for that. "It's okay" I whisper, kissing the top of her head. "Go inside. I'll be there in a minute."

"Josh" she protests as I let her go.

"Maya" I reply sternly, putting an end to her arguments as she turns around and heads inside while I turn to face Kermit. "What the hell do are you doing here?" I demand angrily.

"She wrote to me. Who are you?"

I laugh, shaking my head. "You wouldn't know who I am would you? Why? Oh that's right, because you know nothing about that girl. She's your daughter and you don't know a thing about her. I'm Josh, I'm the guy that your daughter has had a crush on for two years. I'd say it was it's nice to meet you but that would be a lie. You don't deserve to know that girl and I genuinely hope she never sees you again."

"You don't know anything-."

"I know that you've fucked with her head enough and that it's time for you to go."

"You think you understand but until you're in my shoes-."

"I wouldn't ever step into your shoes. If I married your daughter and we ended up with a child before we wanted I wouldn't just leave her and my kid and then remarry and start a new family. So please, don't sit here and act like you know me and don't dare to pretend you know Maya. I know Maya. Riley knows Maya. My brother and his wife, her mother. We know Maya. Not you. Now, you have three seconds to leave before I make you leave."

With that he soundlessly stands up and heads up the steps and I let out a deep sigh, collapsing onto the seat.

"You didn't have to defend me like that" Maya says as she takes a seat across from me. I smile, looking up at her and taking her hand in mine.

"Yes I did. He doesn't get to act like his choice in marrying your mother, fathering you, and then leaving was some huge charitable act. He left you Maya."

"Maybe I'm better off because of it" she shrugs, squeezing my hand. "I meant what I said, I'm not angry anymore."

I chuckle, leaning back in my chair. "Well you're a better person than me gorgeous."

"Um I think we already knew that" she teases causing me to crack a smile. "But really, thank you. It meant a lot to me Josh."

"Yea well if it wasn't clear I kinda sorta like you so" I shrug.

"It's more than a little clear" she smirks making me roll my eyes at her in amusement. "Wanna come inside and grab a bite to eat?"

"I'd love to, just as long as you're really okay. I don't like seeing you cry Maya."

A light blush colors her cheeks as she nods. "I promise I'm okay. I don't forgive him, I think that's impossible but I forgive myself."

"That's good Maya" I reply honestly. "That means you can finally move on."

"With you?" she asks, her eyes alight with hope. I smile, shaking my head.

"Not yet gorgeous. Maybe someday."

"Someday" she says, testing the word on her tongue. "I'll take it."

"I'm glad" I reply, standing up and pulling her up with me. "Let's go get that snack. Do you think there are still cupcakes left?" I add making her giggle as we head into the cafè.

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